Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 13. Dezember 2024, 09:06 Uhr von Vara9850)

1. Normal sudoku rules apply. 2. Every killer cage is filled with 4 given digits in the given order (increasing from left to right or from top to bottom). The solver must move the killer cages, vertical ones vertically and horizontal ones horizontally, to some position to satisfy the sudoku rules. Killer cages may not overlap.
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Lösungscode: Row3

Gelöst von Visumation, Gramor, CFood, drbs, MonsieurTRISTE, SKORP17, NEWS, trashghost, Cliff, teuthida
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am 13. Dezember 2024, 12:44 Uhr von CFood
interesting puzzle. i like the idea of sliding the cages around, but i kept mistaking the cages in row 1 and row 2 for the cages in col 1 & col 2. i think my brain only wanted to consider the cages at the top of the grid. interestingly i didn't have this issue with the other 6 cages. i was able to keep r1/2, r8/9, and c8/9 straight.

shifting the cages over so they don't overlap in the rows/columns wouldn't change how the puzzle is solved, but it would be a lot easier to keep straight, imo. but regardless, this was still fun to solve, and as long as you're extra careful it's probably not too hard to do.

Gelöst:10 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

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