Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Circuit Crazy 2

(Eingestellt am 24. Dezember 2024, 14:12 Uhr von ebiggie)


Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1 through 9 in each row, column, and box.

GERMAN WHISPER (GREEN): Adjacent digits along a green German Whispers line must differ by at least 5.

PARITY (PEACH) The peach colored lines are Parity lines. Digits along a parity line must alternate between odd and even

KILLER CAGES: The sum of the cells in a cage must equal the total given for that cage. Digits in a cage do not repeat.

For our color blind friends: German Whisper lines (3 total): starting R2C7 and going to R6C8 and R7C9. The line in box 9. The line in box 7 that looks like a "W", starts R6C3 and ends R8C4. All other lines are Parity lines.

Click the Link to Play: Sudokupad

Lösungscode: Please provide all the digits from row 6 (left to right):

Gelöst von jalebc, zorant, Lorena, Visumation, SKORP17, pepe74287, VeTaurus, dickey, Joyofrandomness, Felis_Timon, PinkNickels, noodlehead, efnenu, EmX68, cmigas, Andrewmi3, stonetim, AvonD, sujoyku, ... Ssolves, Tompzini, Prime28, elulue, cornflakes23, josemadre, Carolin, MarthaB, jcg5a, timww572, chanelaw, flaemmchen, YoooDeej, vmirandaa, seven-seas, sprinkle13, achambers2010, DokiNabi
Komplette Liste


am 24. Dezember 2024, 16:06 Uhr von Visumation
Very nice snack.

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:72 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

Standardrätsel Rätselvariante Variantenkombination

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