Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Yet Unknown!

(Eingestellt am 12. Dezember 2024, 21:16 Uhr von ebiggie)


Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1 through 9 in each row, column, and box.

All the lines in the puzzle, colored GREY, consist of either Renban, German whisper or Region sum lines. There are at minimum TWO types of each line. It is up to the solver to determine which lines are which type!

Digits along a RENBAN line must be a set of consecutive non-repeating digits, and may appear in any order.

Adjacent digits along a GERMAN WHISPER line must differ by at least 5.

For each REGION SUM line, digits on the line have an equal sum N within each box it passes through. Region sum lines must cross region borders, they are not confined to single box.

KILLER CAGES: The sum of the cells in a cage must equal the total given for that cage. Digits in a cage do not repeat.

Kropki dots: Black dots are a 1:2 ratio. White dots are consecutive. Not all dots are given.

XV pairs. Cells separated by a "X" must equal to 10, and cells separated by a "V" must equal to 5. Not all XV pairs are given.

Click the Link to Play: Sudokupad

Lösungscode: Please provide all the digits from column 2 (from top to bottom):

Zuletzt geändert am 13. Dezember 2024, 03:23 Uhr

Gelöst von jalebc, SKORP17, Iluvsodah, Joyofrandomness, DanishDynamite, Azumagao, askaksaksask, PinkNickels, rudarobson, rameshsrivats, stramosk, Joanie, Fizz, SincereEngineer, jlaitio, mihel111, MalkoMann2, ... NCtide, JohnyK_413, jmw, Vulajin, mercierus, kolb_elias, Uhu, A very large bear, Justalilguy, sedici, snuuba, Montikulum, TheArcticBlade, ManuH, jqhc, shafer, cornflakes23, ankpress, EmX68, DokiNabi
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 4. Januar 2025, 16:05 Uhr

am 4. Januar 2025, 14:26 Uhr von KingIsulgard
'There are at minimum TWO types of each line.'
I assume you mean there are at minimum two lines of each type?

Lol... I didn't even notice that! Thanks KingIsulgard! :)

am 18. Dezember 2024, 22:05 Uhr von snuuba
Really cool puzzle, thanks

am 17. Dezember 2024, 00:07 Uhr von Justalilguy
Delightful puzzle. Difficulty remained consistent throughout

am 14. Dezember 2024, 14:31 Uhr von moHa
very nice puzzle

am 13. Dezember 2024, 21:49 Uhr von ebiggie
Thank you OGRussHood! I appreciate your comment and glad you enjoyed the puzzle :)

am 13. Dezember 2024, 18:04 Uhr von OGRussHood
Lovely! Only 2 stars for me.

am 13. Dezember 2024, 03:23 Uhr von ebiggie
Clarified Region Sum line rule.

am 13. Dezember 2024, 03:17 Uhr von ebiggie
Thank you Marshal on Mars! I appreciate your feedback and kind words. Glad you enjoyed the puzzle :)

am 13. Dezember 2024, 03:03 Uhr von Marshal on Mars
Thanks for the rule clarification on the Region Sum Lines. Delightful puzzle after that! 3 stars feels right.

am 13. Dezember 2024, 02:37 Uhr von ebiggie
Thanks PinkNickels! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

am 13. Dezember 2024, 02:19 Uhr von PinkNickels
Excellent setting. Very enjoyable solve.

Zuletzt geändert am 13. Dezember 2024, 02:34 Uhr

am 13. Dezember 2024, 02:19 Uhr von Marshal on Mars
Do all Region Sum Lines in the puzzle have to cross at least one region border? Or is it for the solver to deduce if some Region Sum Lines may only exist in a single region?

Hi Marshal on Mars, Yes the region sum lines must cross region borders. No single line region. My apologies for not making that clear in the rule set!

am 13. Dezember 2024, 00:08 Uhr von ebiggie
Thanks DanishDynamite! :)

am 12. Dezember 2024, 23:46 Uhr von DanishDynamite
Loved it! For me it was a 3.

Zuletzt geändert am 12. Dezember 2024, 21:21 Uhr

am 12. Dezember 2024, 21:15 Uhr von ebiggie
This one may be a bit difficult for a 3, but I don't think it's a 4. Then again, it's hard for me to judge as the setter. Enjoy.
Also, A big THANK YOU to SKORP17 and PIFF pointing out an error in one of my previous puzzles enabling me to fix it quickly :)

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:83 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

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