Lösungscode: Digits on the path in column 8 (reading downwards)
am 30. Dezember 2024, 09:13 Uhr von novato
Very, very nice! I found this one easier to get stuck into (probably because of no Schrodinger cells!) but still challenging and fun.
am 10. Dezember 2024, 05:47 Uhr von tallcat
Great flourish at the end!
am 9. Dezember 2024, 23:55 Uhr von ChristopherStanlake
Brilliant! I spent hours trying to break-in to the puzzle; I was stuck on the entropic rule. I wrongly assumed from the rules that by ‘every group of 3 adjacent cells on the path’ it meant distinct groups of three cells next to one another such that 471358 could be possible on the path as (471) and (358) are two separate groups of three adjacent cells! Admittedly, I had to watch Simon explain the rules in his Friday video to clear up my misunderstanding of the entropic line rule… Once that was cleared up, Finkz made her way to the cupcake pretty quickly!
am 6. Dezember 2024, 17:05 Uhr von kagiso
I'm so glad to have found this easier than the last one, but it was so enjoyable as always.
am 6. Dezember 2024, 17:03 Uhr von Godrick
As always very nice! This series is a real joy. Thanks a lot.
am 6. Dezember 2024, 14:29 Uhr von Klausku
Brilliant puzzle, again! Had to start over once because I ruled out a possibility for the path and went wrong. But Finkz found the right path in the end. I think she is now so experienced that she can find these paths blindfolded. Thanks, Marty!
am 5. Dezember 2024, 16:27 Uhr von Chaka
What a beautiful puzzle! As a biologist I fell in love with that series from the very start. Thank you so much for the countless hours of fun in those brillant mazes, and please keep going as long as Finkz is alive!
am 5. Dezember 2024, 10:28 Uhr von Angara
Awesome! Thank you! You're a genius
am 5. Dezember 2024, 10:13 Uhr von davidemsa
The buttons are a great idea. They created fresh consideration to think about in regards to the path building.
am 5. Dezember 2024, 08:19 Uhr von oyyq99999
forgot one rule at very end of the solving which costs me ages to finally sort it out!
am 5. Dezember 2024, 08:07 Uhr von Reid
Took me 43:44. Would have been a lot faster, but I messed up the path towards the end, and it took me a while to figure out where things went wrong. This is another beautiful puzzle, Marty!
am 4. Dezember 2024, 23:40 Uhr von antiknight
Amazing ideas with the circles and the trapdoors! That ending was kinda nasty :D
am 4. Dezember 2024, 23:38 Uhr von droidstr
3 hours for me. This was a tough one.
am 4. Dezember 2024, 23:31 Uhr von davidz32z
Toughest one yet for me as it felt like a lot of proving the path by ruling out many convoluted options. Still such a treat though, I love it so much
am 4. Dezember 2024, 22:58 Uhr von AshBrown
Toughy this one. But always a way out
am 4. Dezember 2024, 22:42 Uhr von sujoyku
Another incredible puzzle! I felt so stuck at one point, but there is always a way out. And you really teach us to find the most beautiful tricks. Thank you, Marty!
am 4. Dezember 2024, 21:55 Uhr von Andrewmi3
Apparently this was my 250th puzzle solved on LMD, and what a treat! Thanks for the delightful series!
am 4. Dezember 2024, 20:29 Uhr von Samoth
I had some difficulty early on in the middle but once I managed to find a way to break through it all solved itself quite neatly. Another phenomenal rat run as usual!
am 4. Dezember 2024, 19:25 Uhr von konklone
I personally found this harder than last week's Schrodinger cell puzzle - it wasn't until maybe a third of the way through that I was confident I was on the right track. But no less fun! I like the real tricky ones the best, thanks for making this!
am 4. Dezember 2024, 18:48 Uhr von misha
Incredible! I love this series.
am 4. Dezember 2024, 18:39 Uhr von Angara
Awesome! Thank you! You're a genius
am 4. Dezember 2024, 16:08 Uhr von jakestilesowen
I like that the path building requires a little bit of effort. And the buttons require a little thinking that comes over time as well.
am 4. Dezember 2024, 15:39 Uhr von amchap
Beautiful once again. I loved the trapdoor total disambiguation.
am 4. Dezember 2024, 15:09 Uhr von mscha
Wonderful! I like the new trapdoors.
Three or four points where I had to stare at the screen and finally figured out a way forward.
At the end I thought I had it solved, and SudokuPad agreed, but logic-masters wouldn't accept my answer. It took me forever to realize that I missed a blue button and my path was incorrect.
am 4. Dezember 2024, 14:41 Uhr von Nairurian
Another lovely puzzle. It felt like a breeze compared to last week’s puzzle, but that might be because my brain works better with entropic lines than schrödinger cells.
am 4. Dezember 2024, 14:25 Uhr von Franjo
I‘m about to copy the comment of samuel1997… I’m feeling very happy I could solve all of these mazes. Well, until now… Again, your beautiful puzzle made my (Wednes-)day. Thank you, Marty!
am 4. Dezember 2024, 14:16 Uhr von HumanBirdsong
am 4. Dezember 2024, 13:33 Uhr von Christounet
Just peachy ! Thanks :)
am 4. Dezember 2024, 12:43 Uhr von ChinStrap
Clever girl...
And setter. Top notch as always.
am 4. Dezember 2024, 12:39 Uhr von samuel1997
Sensational! This could be the hardest rat run puzzle I have ever solved, and it is brilliant!
am 4. Dezember 2024, 11:42 Uhr von wuc
Awesome. How crazy that you still get me speechless after many hundreds of puzzle I solved. Masterpiece.
am 4. Dezember 2024, 09:24 Uhr von AsgarArn
Nice one, easy flowing, once you wraped your head around the rules.
I really enjoyed the solve.
Great construction!
am 4. Dezember 2024, 04:05 Uhr von askaksaksask
This was a blast. Only a slight reprieve from Schrödinger last week. What a treat! Thank you for all your hard work, and you certainly deserve the continual praise!
am 4. Dezember 2024, 03:21 Uhr von kdkirby
Fun re-flavoring of circles! Nice and tame after the mind-boggling of last week's entry.
am 4. Dezember 2024, 03:06 Uhr von ViKingPrime
Loved it! More of the mad science I always wanted from this series. So far you've been quite conservative, even protective I would say. Now, with a couple dozen puzzles under our collective belts I think we're all prepared for you to really start showing us the lunacy of which we know you're capable.