Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Trick or Treat?

(Eingestellt am 18. November 2024, 00:05 Uhr von Scojo)

This puzzle was set for the CTC Discord's October 2024 monthly prompt of "Shady Tricks."

  • Normal sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
  • Yin Yang: Shade some cells so that all shaded cells are orthogonally connected, and all unshaded cells are orthogonally connected. No 2x2 area may be fully shaded or unshaded.
  • Tricks and Treats: A clue between cells must lie entirely within either the shaded or unshaded area. The unshaded area is full of treats, meaning all clues within that area are correct! But beware the shaded area, which is rife with tricks, meaning all clues within that area must be incorrect...
  • A clue is correct if: A black dot separates digits in a 1:2 ratio, a white dot separates consecutive digits, an X separates digits that sum to 10, or a V separates digits that sum to 5.
  • Fog of War: The grid is partially covered in fog. Placing a correct digit will clear fog from the surrounding area.

Solve in SudokuPad

Lösungscode: Shaded digits only in Row 2

Gelöst von WatermeRen, Sotehr, Klvsched, roflsalot, karlmortenlunna, japanoise_breakfast, askaksaksask, anonymoose, jkuo7, Piff, lune, Alce, wuc, TripleABattery, Laermans, MontyPython'sHolyAle, Banana, cg24, ... CrippledLamp, Drewpacabra, Topalai, 3ColorTheorem, paranoid, croo377, agueybana, lmdemasi, gdc, AnAverageFish, rkm_sts, Joyofrandomness, SparklePuzzle, siliciousreese, Zenryo, TheGrand547
Komplette Liste


am 18. November 2024, 13:22 Uhr von wuc
Agree. Approachable puzzles of that kind are seen rarely. Liked it a lot thx.

Zuletzt geändert am 18. November 2024, 04:52 Uhr

am 18. November 2024, 04:51 Uhr von askaksaksask
This is wonderful fun, and a merits a creative approach without being too tricky. Highly recommend!

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:70 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Färberätsel

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