Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

First Frost

(Eingestellt am 18. November 2024, 10:00 Uhr von Azvaril)

Hello. Thank you all for your comments and videos about my puzzles. I continue with the Beginner friendly series. I try to make puzzles approachable for beginners and still fun for those with experience.

Have a good time solving!

Solve on SudokuPad

Normal Sudoku rules apply. The digits 1 to 9 must be placed in each row, column and 3x3 box without repetition.

Slow Thermometer: Digits along slow thermometers must either stay the same or increase from the bulb to the tip.

Kropki Dots: Cells separated by a black dot have a 1:2 ratio. Cells separated by a white dot must be consecutive. Not all dots are given.

Lösungscode: Row 3, 9 digits left to right.

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von Carolin, NineK, Hajuhn, jalebc, chippers, AdamPI, gotem, Mutiny, VeTaurus, realhollie, hige, kkli, flaemmchen, fuxia, Gosciola19, PinkNickels, tetchytomcat, Rearden, zrbakhtiar, Jowser, faltenin, ... moss, jjtheplum, ParaNox, jobs2554, Aran-Fey, rav, jerricanary, blu191970, Montikulum, tgstar, nezuo, bcreturnee, sortofrican90, Kachow, hasti2c, Overhead, Suxamethonium, Roberto, flipping, Uhu
Komplette Liste


am 12. Dezember 2024, 06:11 Uhr von Tingo
Thanks for setting and sharing!

am 27. November 2024, 17:44 Uhr von zimmicks
26 mins

am 20. November 2024, 07:29 Uhr von Ganbatte
Great puzzle, thank you!

am 19. November 2024, 17:32 Uhr von Jafacake
Great beginner puzzle!

am 19. November 2024, 15:36 Uhr von Inge
Very nice puzzle!

am 19. November 2024, 15:36 Uhr von Inge
Very nice puzzle!

am 19. November 2024, 09:22 Uhr von Decapod
Well done. It took me a full 20 minutes to solve box 7, but I never felt "stuck". Then the rest came together quickly.

am 18. November 2024, 21:25 Uhr von abadx
Excellent setting for a beginner. Nice basic technique needed combined with a good speed

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:236 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

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