Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

XVII Short Shot

(Eingestellt am 17. November 2024, 10:58 Uhr von NurglesGift)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Cells connected by an X must sum to 10.

Cells connected by an V must sum to 5.

All X's and V's are given.

Cells connected by a blue square must sum to 7.

All blue squares are given.

Digits on the arrow must sum to the digit in the arrow circle.

Link to sudokupad

Link to f-puzzle


Feel free to recommend this puzzle to anyone.

Feel free to take special rules for your own puzzle.

Feel free to give feedback.

Bless you!


Lösungscode: give the digits of column 6 (top to bottom)

Gelöst von Elliott810, Fizz, MinamotoYoshi, EmX68, siliciousreese, Puzzlefan, kroutu, saisasank, HumanBirdsong, butch02, Ragna, jalebc, sedici, keenbowl, ole-1995a, Asim.sam, achim-t, snowyegret, SKORP17, ... Grothenlace, wang, steveire, McParland57, Joyofrandomness, TaeChi, S4K, slowbiex, agueybana, galium_odoratum, dtoto, JohnDoeJersey, Klappa en ko, zrbakhtiar, cmigas, Johanic, gnidan, teuthida
Komplette Liste


am 22. Dezember 2024, 20:11 Uhr von Klappa en ko
This one took me forever to figure out, today I realized it was about 789.

am 20. November 2024, 18:18 Uhr von NurglesGift
Well thank you!

am 20. November 2024, 16:20 Uhr von PinkNickels
Another excellent entry in the series. Thanks as always, Nurgles. You are indeed a gift to the community!

am 18. November 2024, 22:55 Uhr von Donald X.
I'm still a big fan of these.

am 17. November 2024, 16:06 Uhr von Ragna
Fun puzzle! Thank you for your time :-)

am 17. November 2024, 14:16 Uhr von Puzzlefan
Thanks! Gave it 2 start for difficulty, was pretty easy I think. But also much fun! Always like the 'all X/V's are given' rule, when stuck thats always a reliable rule. Thanks a lot!

am 17. November 2024, 12:14 Uhr von Fizz
Very fun puzzle, thanks!

am 17. November 2024, 12:04 Uhr von Elliott810
Brilliant puzzle! Thanks:)

Bewertung:90 %
Gelöst:93 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

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