Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Downhill Tumble

(Eingestellt am 14. November 2024, 04:32 Uhr von NotSoMagnifique)

A bit of color and some heavy restrictions can go a long way!

Sudokupad link


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Killer cages - digits inside a cage are distinct and add up to the value in the upper left corner of the cage.

Kropki Dots - digits with a white Kropki dot between them differ by a value of 1, digits with a black Kropki dot between have a value ratio of 2. No negative constraints.

XV sums - digits with a V between them sum to 5; digits with an X between them sum to 10. No negative constraints.

Palindromes - digits along a gray palindrome line read the same backwards and forwards.

Downhill lines - Each non-gray color indicates that adjoined digits must have a minimum difference of N. Along the negative diagonal, starting in R2C2, each pair of digits has a minimum difference that increases by 1 - that is, the minimum difference on the dark blue line between R2C2 and R3C3 is 2; the minimum difference on the light blue line between R3C3 and R4C4 is 3, and so on.

The same minimum difference rule applies to any other line that matches color with the associated section of the negative diagonal - for example, since R2C8 to R3C7 is also dark blue, it has the same minimum difference of 2 as the dark blue section on the negative diagonal.

Lösungscode: Row 5 digits, left to right

Zuletzt geändert am 14. November 2024, 22:29 Uhr

Gelöst von Decapod, jalebc, Rearden, HazelTheColor, pyroinpink, paranoid, wang, raaaaa, Debba, zonny, Jagga, PinkNickels, Gosciola19, Fizz, SKORP17, maniacaljackal, Chiefredhawk, JSmoove1099, Kiwo, jcg5a, ... ManuH, PURB97, Thomster, Zarlino, josemadre, konjecture, TaeChi, Drawoon, flaemmchen, HarryAugie, ParaNox, renegade_duck, r0the, Montikulum, Supertaster, seven-seas, anmnr, arangues, TroublesomeOrca
Komplette Liste


am 7. Januar 2025, 11:02 Uhr von ParaNox
I liked that the >4-difference line was orange and the >5-difference line was green. And even though it would have been obsolete I'd have liked a >1-difference line from r1c1 to r2c2 and from r1c9 to r2c8 respectively. Just for aesthetics.

No complaints about the actual solve though, fun little snack. :)

am 14. November 2024, 23:11 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this fun puzzle, NotSoMagnifique! I loved the interaction of the different constraints, especially the palindromes did a great job. Thank you for setting and sharing!

am 14. November 2024, 22:29 Uhr von NotSoMagnifique
Corrected sudokupad link to reflect all instructions.

Zuletzt geändert am 14. November 2024, 21:13 Uhr

am 14. November 2024, 20:46 Uhr von sfield
The instructions on the Sudokupad link are wrong. It doesn't mention the palindrome lines that appear in the instructions on this website. Without that, I though those lines had to have a minimum difference of 1 and it really threw me off. Please correct the mistake.

EDIT: The puzzle is solveable if you slightly change the instructions. I just did a test solve and it still wasn't too difficult. Just slightly harder for the initial break-in, but it still has a smooth solve path. Change it so ALL of the lines to follow the same rule, no need for the different rule for the palindrome line and no need to tell the solver that the dark blue has a difference of 2. Let the grey line have a difference of zero, since it's the top line, and then increase every one after that by 1. The only solution you can find is the same one that your puzzle already has with the same existing clues. Word it something like this:

Downhill lines - Each line that adjoined digits must have a minimum difference of N. From top to bottom, each pair of digits has a minimum difference that increases by 1 - that is if the minimum difference on the green line between R5C5 and R6C6 is 7; the minimum difference on the the pink lines that start on row 6 would have a minimum difference of 8 and so on.

The same minimum difference rule applies to all lines on lower rows that have the same color. So the grey lines on rows 8 and 9 have the same minimum difference as the grey lines on rows 1 and 2.

And if you want to give an extra hint, you can add that:
Digits joined by dots, letter, cages, or lines may repeat if allowed by other clues.

Zuletzt geändert am 14. November 2024, 21:56 Uhr

am 14. November 2024, 14:48 Uhr von PinkNickels
Nice one! Solvers, keep in mind the same color lines don't have to have the same difference necessarily...just the same MINIMUM difference.

>> NSM Here - that is absolutely correct!


PinkNickels: i made that mistake early on myself and quickly found my error. Fortunately, I found it pretty quickly! Thanks for sharing this awesome puzzle!

Bewertung:85 %
Gelöst:79 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

Standardrätsel Englischkenntnisse

Lösung abgeben

