Das letzte zuvor erschienene DFM-Rätsel war Dutch Flat Mates (Zombie) von Flinty und Palpot. Dort findet ihr auch eine Übersicht über alle bisher in der Reihe erschienenen Rätsel. Ich wünsche Euch viel Freude beim Lösen!
- Es gelten die normalen Sudoku-Regeln, d.h. jede Reihe, Spalte und 3x3-Region muss jede der Ziffern von 1 bis 9 genau einmal enthalten.
- Dutch Flat Mates: Jede 5 im Gitter hat eine 1 direkt über oder eine 9 direkt unter sich. (Es darf, muss aber nicht beides der Fall sein.)
- Killer-Käfige: Ziffern in einem Käfig dürfen sich nicht wiederholen und ergeben in der Summe den oben links angegebenen Wert. Zusätzlich gilt: Wann immer zwei Killer-Käfige zueinander benachbart sind (d.h. sich in einer Kante berühren), müssen diese mindestens eine gemeinsame Ziffer enthalten.
Hier kann das Rätsel online gelöst werden:
Lösungscode: Reihe 3 von links nach rechts (9 Ziffern insgesamt)
am 17. Januar 2025, 05:17 Uhr von MattYDdraig
Great puzzle as usual. The sharing cages allow a lot more sparseness with the cage clues.
Thank you for your comment, MattYDdraig! I am glad you enjoyed the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku
am 16. Dezember 2024, 07:50 Uhr von NEWS
58th D.F.M. Masterpiece solved by me in 12 minutes! Thanks for sharing!
You are much welcome, NEWS, thank you for your comment! I am glad that you liked the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku
am 15. November 2024, 20:16 Uhr von PinkNickels
I really don't know how you top-level setters produce so many puzzles of such high quality, but I sure do appreciate it! Thanks. You have brought much joy to this community.
Thank you for your kind words, PinkNickels! It is great to hear that my puzzles have brought you joy.
Kind regards, sujoyku
am 15. November 2024, 14:55 Uhr von Lenivaya_Joppa
Thank you for this nice puzzle, dear sujoyku! :)
You are much welcome, Lenivaya_Joppa, thank you for commenting! I am glad you liked the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku
am 14. November 2024, 18:19 Uhr von Fra314
Super duper clever! Fantastic puzzle!
Thank you for your comment, Fra314! I am glad that you enjoyed it.
Kind regards, sujoyku
am 13. November 2024, 18:04 Uhr von da-hans
Nice and good flow.
Thank you for your comment, da-hans! I am glad you enjoyed the puzzle's flow.
Kind regards, sujoyku
am 13. November 2024, 17:15 Uhr von MattJones
Another lovely puzzle Sujoyku. Thank you! This is a lovely extension of the really neat ruleset of Hot Potato.
You are much welcome, MattJones, thank you for your comment! When I set "Hot Potato" I immediately wondered how it would work with the DFM constraint. I am glad that you liked the concept.
Kind regards, sujoyku
am 13. November 2024, 16:14 Uhr von palpot
Fun puzzle! The interaction between the Flat mate and the sharing cages was great!
Thank you for your comment, palpot! I am glad you had a fun solve and liked the interaction with the Flat Mates constraint.
Kind regards, sujoyku
am 13. November 2024, 14:11 Uhr von Flinty
Lovely puzzle, very elegant. :)
Thank you for your kind words, Flinty! I am glad that you liked the puzzle.
Kind regards, sujoyku
am 13. November 2024, 13:45 Uhr von sorryimLate
Always nice to see such caring flat mates<3
Exactly, sorryimLate! Where would be without our mates? :)
Thank you for your comment!
Kind regards, sujoyku
am 13. November 2024, 12:46 Uhr von marcmees
thanks for sharing (cages).
You are much welcome, marcmees, thank you for commenting! Maybe, I will share more sharing cages at some point. :)
Kind regards, sujoyku
am 13. November 2024, 12:24 Uhr von Firebird
This was great fun to solve, thank you!
Thank you for your comment, Firebird! I very much enjoyed setting it, so it is great to hear you had a fun solve.
Kind regards, sujoyku