Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Give or Take (Yin Yang Killer)

(Eingestellt am 11. November 2024, 18:21 Uhr von tallcat)

I've never been a huge pencil puzzle solver myself but I do like to branch out into hybrids when inspiration strikes. For this particular puzzle, my muse was the excellent Yin Yang v. Sudoku by Playmaker (which I highly recommend). Happy solving!

Normal sudoku rules apply

Yin Yang: Divide the entire 9 x 9 grid into shaded and unshaded regions of cells such that each region forms a single orthogonally connected area, and no 2 x 2 area in the grid may be covered by a single region.

Killer: Digits may not repeat in cages. Given values in the top left corner are the sum of unshaded digits minus the sum of shaded digits within the cage.

Can be played online at f-puzzles or Sudokupad

Lösungscode: Enter (from left to right) row 4 with a hyphen '-' for every border between two different shading regions. For example: 123-45-67-89.

Gelöst von yttrio, TripleABattery, SXH, Jesper, cornish-john, Playmaker6174, dodo, jwsinclair, Dentones, bansalsaab, Mr_tn, utsavb, ClashCode, lianarox, zlotnleo, The Bard, jmw, ONeill, Nylimb, femto113, ... werkelmann, Bellsita, arctan, SPring, Toxter, arauwer, aqjhs, Hazem-77, jesterray, feverlute, PippoForte, piyush, SKORP17, JohnyK_413, OGRussHood, Samson, dennischen, flipout, CareBaer, Uhu, Akk1yyy
Komplette Liste


am 13. November 2024, 01:09 Uhr von LeaVulpina
Lovely puzzle! Every time I was stuck, the next step would inevitably be simpler and more elegant than whatever it was I'd been looking for.

am 13. November 2024, 00:09 Uhr von kamkam
some parts were very tricky. good puzzle

am 12. November 2024, 20:08 Uhr von Chilly
Very nice - smooth apart from one small ramp!

am 12. November 2024, 14:28 Uhr von mihel111
This one has a great solving path from start to finish.
Thanks a lot, tallcat.

am 12. November 2024, 04:28 Uhr von femto113
Brilliant, never falls apart, challenging right through the end.

am 11. November 2024, 20:58 Uhr von Playmaker6174
I'm delighted to hear that one of my favorite projects inspired you to dive into more hybrid stuff x)
Lots of cool and neat deductions in this one! Some parts after the opening took me longer than expected but careful thinking process helped me nicely :)

am 11. November 2024, 20:33 Uhr von Jesper
Lovely puzzle, thanks!

am 11. November 2024, 20:05 Uhr von yttrio
Very fun puzzle with a good consistent difficulty throughout!

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:97 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Färberätsel

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