Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Zodiac Project: Cluster of Galaxies

(Eingestellt am 6. November 2024, 00:51 Uhr von Prof.Dori)

Zodiac Project: Cluster of Galaxies

I am happy to present the 17th chapter of Zodiac Project which was first initiated by ViKingPrime and many thanks to Nordy for nominating me but also for the feedbacks. And also thanks to Nordy and Marty for their help with aesthetics. I got inspiration to make a galaxy puzzle related because Zodiac is based on positions of stars. Hope you enjoy it.



Normal sudoku rules apply.

A digit in a spiral is 'friendly'; it matches at least one of the row, column, or box number. Different spirals have different numbers.

For each spiral, draw a galaxy that contains that spiral (the spiral is not necessarily the center of the galaxy.) The digit in the spiral indicates the size of the galaxy . A galaxy must consist of a region of orthogonally connected cells, and must have 180 degree rotational symmetry. Digits in a galaxy form a non-repeating consecutive set, arranged in some order.

Two galaxies are 'neighbours' if the 3x3 boxes that contain their spirals share a border. Any two neighbour galaxies must touch each other at least once orthogonally and/or diagonally.

Any two galaxies (not just neighbour galaxies) can't share an edge with each other more than once, but they may touch each other diagonally multiple times.

Two cells touched by a shooting star: the digit on the star must be lower.




I am glad to announce that the next setter to be on the Zodiac Project will be ThePedallingPianist and they are going to work with the disjoint cells as follows.


The previous parts of the series are:

Chapter 1: Orion's Belt by ViKingPrime
Chapter 2: Counting Castles by marty_sears
Chapter 3: Derezzed by heliopolix
Chapter 4: Rodd Stevens by 99%Sneaky
Chapter 5: Phase Shift by meggen033
Chapter 6: Cage Decoder by sujoyku
Chapter 7: Star Chart by Flinty
Chapter 8: Parity Expedition by palpot
Chapter 9: Suguru's Surge by gdc
Chapter 10: Minefield Maneuvers by SamuPiano
Chapter 11: Ponta Delgada by Florian Wortmann
Chapter 12: Lost in Space by lerroyy
Chapter 13: Gemini by Christounet
Chapter 14: Sagittarius by Maizegator
Chapter 15: Kyklos by sfushidahardy
Chapter 16: Original Sin by Nordy

Lösungscode: Row 8 followed by row 9 only the cells that are part of a galaxy.

Zuletzt geändert am 6. November 2024, 22:24 Uhr

Gelöst von roflsalot, Sotehr, ViKingPrime, Nordy, TripleABattery, samuel1997, Paletron, han233ing, Chad, spagheli, jmw, palpot, jkuo7, Clara123, Drewpacabra, sorryimLate, askaksaksask, ThePedallingPianist, Flinty, Laake, Sedum, Firebird, Lyun Licuss, sze, SudokuHero
Komplette Liste


am 13. Dezember 2024, 08:32 Uhr von askaksaksask
This was so challenging but so creative. I felt like, despite the difficulty, every step was fair, and I was never just drawing on the same interaction or same constraint to keep the solve moving, so it felt fresh the whole way through. I can't say enough good about this puzzle, so thank you!!

am 12. Dezember 2024, 02:23 Uhr von sorryimLate
Thanks for your replies, Drewpacabra and Prof.Dori! Trying to prove the correct shapes of the galaxies was quite a challenge for me. I would add to the rules that in this case "an edge" means one edge of one cell. Great puzzle!

Zuletzt geändert am 12. Dezember 2024, 00:55 Uhr

am 11. Dezember 2024, 20:59 Uhr von Drewpacabra
sorryimLate: Having just solved it, I can say that the shared edge can only be one cell long. (Prof. Dori, delete this comment if it's meant to be ambiguous.)



Zuletzt geändert am 12. Dezember 2024, 00:54 Uhr

am 10. Dezember 2024, 16:55 Uhr von sorryimLate
A question: the rules say that two galaxies may share an edge once. Can that edge be more than one cell long?


No, it means for those galaxies can share at most one edge which can be formed by one square at one galaxy and one square of the other galaxy. Sorry for late reply I just seen the comment.

am 6. November 2024, 18:20 Uhr von samuel1997
What a puzzle! For the perfect symmetry and stunning logic, this could easily be my favourite puzzle of the year!

Zuletzt geändert am 6. November 2024, 07:29 Uhr

am 6. November 2024, 04:37 Uhr von Nordy
A truly glorious puzzle full of challenge and intrigue, with an unbelievable density of logic! Every rule is milked to its full potential. Absolutely amazing that the grid can be fully symmetrical.

am 6. November 2024, 01:46 Uhr von ViKingPrime
Most things in life that are worthwhile aren't easy and so it is with this; this is a doozy of a puzzle but the reward for making it through is all the sweeter for it. Beautifully set (and all the more impressive for the symmetry!).

Bewertung:99 %
Gelöst:25 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

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