Activate Your Renbans!
(Eingestellt am 2. November 2024, 15:44 Uhr von RockyRoer)
I've made a few puzzles with "Activated Cells" in the past:
Activated Japanese Sums
Activated Kropki
Lately Andrewsarchus has been making some too:
Active Loop
Active Friends
Active Circuits
The Rules:
- [Sudoku] Normal sudoku rules apply, fill every row, column and 3x3 box with the digits from 1 to 9 once each.
- [Renban] The blue lines are Renban lines, and must contain a consecutive set of digits without repeats.
- [Active Cells] A cell is "Active" if it could be the destination of a numbered room clue--that is, if it is xth cell in from the edge of the grid, where x is the digit in the cell on the edge.
- If R4C1 is 8, then R4C8 is active
- If R1C1 is 7, then R7C1 and R1C7 are active
- If R3C6 is active, then at least one of the following is true: either R3C1 is 6, R3C9 is 4, R1C6 is 3, or R9C6 is 7,
Along every blue line, cells alternate between being active or inactive.
The Puzzle:
Try it on Sven's Sudokupad
Lösungscode: The active cells in rows 2 and 3 (?? digits?)
Gelöst von efnenu, cornish-john, bigger, marcmees, Piff, Elliott810, Franjo, han233ing, Andrewsarchus, Soya, SKORP17, Isael, akamchinjir, Brodie2000, Clara123, misko, SterlingWest
am 3. November 2024, 19:54 Uhr von Franjo
Amazing puzzle. And the second time I saw these „active cells“. Thank you very much for creating and sharing.
am 3. November 2024, 13:21 Uhr von marcmees
the activation constraint periodically made me forget the lines are renbans. :-). Very nice. thanks