Connect the dots
(Eingestellt am 26. Oktober 2024, 23:59 Uhr von Klvsched)
This puzzle is more in line with what I wanted my "Connect the dots" - series to be, although this is my first pathy? puzzle and I'm not sure that I'm entirely happy with it (there are some fairly tough deductions in the start/middle), so I would really appreciate any feedback you might have.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
PUZZLE: Connect the dots
Solution Code: Digits NOT on a line/circle in col 1 (top to bottom).
Draw lines + Standard Variants
German Whisper-, Entropy-, Modular-, Odd/Even and Region Sum Lines + Black/White Kropki
Play on SudokuPad
Normal Sudoku Rules Apply: Place the digits 1-9 once in each box, column, and row.
Additional Rules:
- Digits separated by a white dot have a difference of 1.
- Digits separated by a black dot have a ratio of 1:2.
- Colored circles contain an odd digit.
Line Instructions: Draw 5 lines in the grid that connect each pair of colored circles. Colored circles serve as start/end points for each line. All other given clues must be crossed by a line.
- Lines only move orthogonally between cells and must not touch themselves orthogonally or diagonally.
- Lines cannot share cells, cross themselves, or each other.
Each Line Uses a Different Ruleset:
- Green (R1C5 -> R9C5): German Whisper, where every two orthogonally connected cells must have a difference of at least 5.
- Peach (R1C1 -> R6C4): Entropic Line, where every run of three cells must contain a low digit (1,2,3), a middle digit (4,5,6), and a high digit (7,8,9).
- Cyan (R4C4 -> R5C9): Region Sum Line, where the sum of the digits is the same for all boxes it enters.
- Teal (R4C6 -> R9C9): Modular Line, where every run of three cells must contain a digit from (1,4,7), (2,5,8), and (3,6,9).
- Red (R6C6 -> R9C1): Odd/Even Line, where every cell changes odd/even parity.
Play on SudokuPad
Lösungscode: Solution code - Digits NOT on a line/circle in col 1 (top to bottom)
Zuletzt geändert -
Gelöst von dodo, Sotehr, ViKingPrime, roflsalot, Scojo, karlmortenlunna, Bjd, siron2133, SKORP17, bansalsaab, WedgeOfCheese, EFlatMinor, flyjim, dublaypt, AKropki, Brodie2000, ryanprobably, Calesch, paranoid, zonka, Zeddecks, isajo4002
Zuletzt geändert am 29. Oktober 2024, 00:26 Uhram 28. Oktober 2024, 21:44 Uhr von ryanprobably
Fun puzzle, quite tricky. Since you asked for feedback, I would suggest saying in the rules that each clue is only crossed by one type of line. While it's not necessary to solve the puzzle, it would have saved me quite a bit of time disambiguating in boxes 3 and 8
Klvsched: Appreciate it! I tried to hint towards that in the rules, without being tooo obvious. "All other given clues must be crossed by a line.", where if you dont go through the dots, you dont actually cross it! Maybe i should've just specified it so there was no doubt. Thanks for the feedback!