Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Integral of x²

(Eingestellt am 19. Oktober 2024, 04:17 Uhr von Evan)

Another integral themed puzzle, and this time around its geometrically correct! (but not to scale...)

Previous integral puzzle: Integral of x³


Renban lines: Pink lines must contain a set of consecutive digits in any order, without repeats.

Region sum lines: Digits on a blue line have an equal sum N within each box it passes through.

German whisper lines: Two cells connected by a green line must have a difference of at least 5.

Killer cages: Digits in cages must sum to the number in the top-left corner and cannot repeat.

XV: Cells joined by an X or V must sum to 10 (X) or 5 (V).

NOTE: The minus sign to the left of the 4 in r3c2 is purely cosmetic.

For clarity: The whisper and renban x's are each technically two different lines of length two intersecting each other.


For those who don't like math, it kinda resembles a smiley face so there's that :)

Lösungscode: Row 6

Gelöst von tiredsudoku, Spider, Fesius, imagle, Vegan_warior, TVDK, HazelTheColor, kaw, RickiFerrara, jalebc, LehanLehan, abadx, naomi-timo, Vara9850, Kirra, seeppp, wang, ZigZagWonderer, mjozska1985, Inge, ... Tinica, kopo1, hsimah, Kiwo, Krisonium, spirozh, Carolin, Phandor, Mazejica, tyfus, running_fatty, Andreas.vm, permafrostyx, UebungsleiterK, josemadre, paranoid, zygeist, arangues, teuthida
Komplette Liste


am 22. Oktober 2024, 21:24 Uhr von kopo1
Nice and simple!

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Oktober 2024, 20:05 Uhr

am 19. Oktober 2024, 20:04 Uhr von Slumped_5
It's amazing how you managed to create two sudokus out of integrals and their exact AUCs (and it works somehow!). Great setting!

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Oktober 2024, 18:28 Uhr

am 19. Oktober 2024, 18:24 Uhr von nunc
Thanks a lot for this one, too. I'm also just gonna share it with my students. Fanatastic again.

am 19. Oktober 2024, 16:51 Uhr von Mozart40
Nice one. Slightly easier than the other one. At least for me.

am 19. Oktober 2024, 09:29 Uhr von Inge
Very nice puzzle!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:170 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal

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