Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Go up step by step

(Eingestellt am 12. Oktober 2024, 06:52 Uhr von psninn)

The standard Sudoku rules apply.
The number given by the cage's corner is the sum of all the digits in the cage. digit cannot repeat in a cage.

click the image to play ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Lösungscode: R5

Gelöst von h5663454, NEWS, RickiFerrara, Carolin, jalebc, tuturitu, marcmees, Fisherman, sujoyku, Piff, DanishDynamite, Blake Saligia, SKORP17, jcgodart, amchap, maniacaljackal, seeppp, Felis_Timon, gonzalez87, ... Glasgow, gotem, stramosk, timww572, 5h421n, paranoid, Stargazing Albatross, mccuskp, H.I. McDunnough, Lovejoy , Chipmunk, AlSina, teuthida, NeroChaos, BlackApolloX, marvellousminty, Cecil-Lin, rey
Komplette Liste


am 13. Oktober 2024, 05:17 Uhr von sdholmes
Fun break in with a smooth path to the finish! Nice construction!

am 12. Oktober 2024, 19:26 Uhr von Fisherman
Excellent puzzle.
In addition to the seminal Sujoyku puzzle, there is "Seeing Double" by Ul-Rhymm.

am 12. Oktober 2024, 13:59 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this fun killer puzzle, psninn! Just out of curiosity: Do you know my puzzle "One step at a time"? It has a very similar idea.

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:73 mal
Beobachtet:0 mal

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