Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 10. Oktober 2024, 02:40 Uhr von ThePedallingPianist)

Play on SudokuPad

Normal 6x6 sudoku rules apply within the main grid. External cells (with dashed borders) do not need to be filled.

The grid is a torus for the purpose of all other constraints: e.g. r1c1 is considered directly below r6c1 and directly to the right of r1c6.

Yin Yang: Shade some cells such that all shaded cells are orthogonally connected, as are all unshaded cells, and no 2x2 area is fully shaded or unshaded.

Doublers: The value in a shaded cell is two times the digit it contains.

X Sums: Clues outside the grid give the sum of the first X values in the indicated column, where X is the first value seen.

Lösungscode: The X-sum clue that would appear at the bottom of column 3, had it been given (opposite the 17 clue)

Zuletzt geändert am 13. Oktober 2024, 13:15 Uhr

Gelöst von tuturitu, gxorgx, Elker, smckinley, yttrio, marcmees, Franjo, Zandi, Qodec, SKORP17, Sotehr, abadx, -Tsigje-, Voidslime, br3akingp01nt, EduardoB, rich_27, nguyenhaoqn3, bboom, mid80, karlmortenlunna, agueybana, sinamon, sth
Komplette Liste


am 11. Oktober 2024, 12:11 Uhr von rich_27
I love this puzzle! One of my favourites of yours, such a beautiful solve. I loved the initial
'Ah, this must be the way to think about it'
'No, wait, that breaks'
'Oh, I see! It must be'
'Oh, no, can't be'
'Ahh, that, how beautiful!'

am 10. Oktober 2024, 20:02 Uhr von abadx
A charming and approachable gem. I really wonder how these creations are possible

am 10. Oktober 2024, 15:29 Uhr von Franjo
Another toroidal YY from TPP - and quite approachable! What a pleasure to see and solve this gem. Thank you very much for creating and sharing.

am 10. Oktober 2024, 09:04 Uhr von yttrio
Had to definitely stretch my brain a bit to think about toroidal yin yang, but it was definitely worth the effort to solve this one, and overall not too tricky! It would be interesting to see if this could be expanded into a 9x9.

am 10. Oktober 2024, 06:21 Uhr von Elker
Toroidal yin yang is so mind bending. I’m so impressed that you could set this and it solved very smoothly.

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Gelöst:24 mal
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