A Leap Into the Unknown (FoW)
(Eingestellt am 10. Oktober 2024, 23:24 Uhr von bboom)
Puzzle rules:
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Fog: The grid is covered in fog. Placing correct digits reveals clues in adjacent cells.
- German whisper lines: Two cells connected by a green line must have a difference of at least 5.
- Long-distance sums: Cells marked with a diamond sum to 10 with (at least) one other cell N spaces away in the same row or column, where N is the number in the marked cell. For example, if a marked cell contains a 1, one of the adjacent cells must be a 9.
Lösungscode: Row 2 (9 digits, no spaces)
Gelöst von ludvigr04, PrinnyDidi, dogfarts, sarabtx, IcyFruit, tiredsudoku, PhrygianFinite, Jdbskx, jalebc, jkuo7, Fizz, johncj, Papaya, efnenu, maniacaljackal, Visumation, Mr. Happy, Yoica, Myreque, Photyne, ... Montinox, Topalai, ValeMK, siliciousreese, BlackApolloX, tjomi, barsa, CrippledLamp, ostio456, owler, dingledork, x3y2z1, maiaz, Uhu, Thibaa, QuiltyAsCharged, delisacus, zuzanina, obuibo11, bilms
am 25. Oktober 2024, 01:34 Uhr von ostio456
A really enjoyable puzzle with an interesting new rule-set for me that worked really nicely!
am 12. Oktober 2024, 09:17 Uhr von Puzzlefan
This was funny! Took me a while to get used to the diamond rule, but it turned out to be very funny in a fog puzzle. Thank you, well done!
am 12. Oktober 2024, 01:00 Uhr von dzamie
Y'know, I would not have expected this to be so... doable. FoW works well at introducing unfamiliar mechanics, I think; I would've really struggled with the Sums otherwise.
am 11. Oktober 2024, 08:13 Uhr von Fizz
Very fun puzzle with a nice ruleset and awesome logic all the way through the end!