Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 3. Oktober 2024, 15:39 Uhr von juggler)

Cracking the Cryptic video

click on the puzzle image to play

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

CAVE - Shade some additional cells grey ("walls") and leave some unshaded ("cave"). The cave is one connected group, and walls form connected groups that touch an edge of the grid.

WHISPER LOOP - Draw a 1-cell wide loop that moves orthogonally, entering every cave cell (and no wall cells). Each digit on the loop in row N differs from its neighbors on the loop by at least N.

GOLD - Gold is found in wall cells with digits larger than their row number. All possible gold has been given.

KROPKI - Digits separated by a white dot have consecutive values.

Lösungscode: Cave digits in column 2 from top to bottom

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Oktober 2024, 03:24 Uhr

Gelöst von bansalsaab, Prof.Dori, HertogHJ, Snookerfan, Brodie2000, tuoni2, Zeddecks, smckinley, Voidslime, esh, japanoise_breakfast, henrypijames, spoonfed, samuel1997, Piff, Hazem-77, mahdiosm, vorash00, ... jinkela114514, sth, redfoot, Calesch, quantumZookeeper, Soya, rcg, Drewpacabra, ZornsLemon, lmdemasi, Uhu, michelkraemer, akamchinjir, Leilalu222, Mikemerin, Frank Puzzles, SudokuHero, woody
Komplette Liste


am 29. Januar 2025, 02:59 Uhr von Frank Puzzles

Here's my solve of your puzzle. Loved the conception of the gold cells!

am 19. Oktober 2024, 08:08 Uhr von QuiltyAsCharged
That was great! You're incredible at crafting these original, elegant, engaging puzzles. Thanks for sharing them with us

am 16. Oktober 2024, 03:24 Uhr von juggler
CTC video

am 8. Oktober 2024, 05:30 Uhr von vorash00
Definitely had some eureka moments in this one. Once you have your head around it, it’s probably a 3 star but the length of time it took to get my head thinking along the correct lines makes it a 4 star.

am 5. Oktober 2024, 02:01 Uhr von samuel1997
Fascinating puzzle!

am 3. Oktober 2024, 21:18 Uhr von Prof.Dori
Fascinating ruleset and very clever deductions. Really enjoyed this one from start to finish. And it is unbelievable that this has a solution just like that!

am 3. Oktober 2024, 19:40 Uhr von Snookerfan
Brilliant puzzle, clever variation on the whispers rules, lots of fun! Thank you

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:76 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

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