Place the digits 1-7 in every row and column exactly once each.
Next to 7: The clues outside of the grid indicate the numbers to be placed in the cells before and after the cell containing 7 in the corresponding row or column. The numbers do not have to be in the same order as the clues. For example, if r6c4 is a 7, then r5c4 and r7c4 are a 13 pair, based on the "1 3" clue above column 4. If there is only one digit in the clue, there may still be two digits surrounding the 7, in which case one of them is not given by the clue.
Circuit Lines: There are circles in the grid connected by lines, which sometimes branch. That structure is called a circuit. Overlapping circuits can be differentiated by color and thickness, and do not have an impact on each other. Digits in the two circles of a circuit are the same, and indicate how many unique digits are on that circuit. For example, (4)1252(4) is a valid circuit, because the unique digits on the circuit are 1, 2, 4, and 5, amounting to 4 unique digits.
SudokuPad link:
Lösungscode: Column 7 from top to bottom
am 1. Oktober 2024, 07:11 Uhr von Toir_
Changed the image to actually work (sry im new to lmd)