drifting time misplaced
(Eingestellt am 28. November 2024, 08:08 Uhr von aqjhs)
Normal sudoku rules apply.
The grid is projective: each edge of the grid is considered to be adjacent/orthogonal to its diametrically opposite edge. (For example, r2c1 is considered orthogonally adjacent to r8c9.) Lines wrap around diametrically opposite sides of the grid.
Cells one chess knight's move apart may not contain the same digit (and that includes moves across the edges of the grid).
Adjacent digits along a green line must have a difference of at least 5.
Digits joined by a black dot are in 1:2 ratio, digits joined by a green dot are in 1:3 ratio, and digits joined by a white dot are consecutive. Not all possible dots are given.
Online in Sudokupad
See also:
Lösungscode: Column 5 top to bottom
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