Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

on elliptic hyperboles

(Eingestellt am 11. November 2024, 11:11 Uhr von aqjhs)

  • Irregular 10-sudoku rules apply: place the digits 0 to 9 once each in every row, column and region.
  • The grid is toroidal: each edge of the grid is considered to be adjacent/orthogonal to its opposite edge. (Lines, regions and chess knight moves wrap around opposite sides of the grid.)
  • Cells one chess knight's move apart may not contain the same digit.
  • Digits along the grey thermometer increase starting from its bulb end.
  • Beige lines are palindromes: their digits read the same in either direction.

Online in Sudokupad

See also:

Lösungscode: Column 8 top to bottom

Zuletzt geändert am 11. November 2024, 17:02 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, AKropki, hige, marcmees, kvedula2004, zlotnleo, arteful, Decapod, Briks, SirWoezel, pms_headache, Gullie, BlitzburghBrian, gUBBLOR, Krokant, bansalsaab, annnz, Dentones, mikedevans247, ... itsid, Koba, dtoto, LordBidoof, salsais, schlathubali, jadezki, Novisnage, atomvic, dogfarts, Clara123, SXH, AlexRaetselt, ZornsLemon, JDP678, earthpuzzles, snauticle, hungkenchanlee, Dharmabum
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 16. November 2024, 21:55 Uhr

am 16. November 2024, 13:57 Uhr von itsid
While I agree that is was quite easy to forget about it being toroidal and thus maybe missing something somewhere, the break in was the easiest imaginable and within ten minutes three of the digits have almost fully (one x wing missing) been placed (so we're 35-40 digits in within 10 minutes) and the rest was straight forward filling in.. yes, irregular boxes and wrapping made that part require more concentration, but it's not "hard" IMHO.. so overall that was an easy puzzle, a very beautiful one at that and with a very nice idea.. I like it a lot.
Just hard it is not IYAM.


I released it with a suggested 3/5 difficulty, but i see why it consolidated to a 4/5. Maybe eventually it could be voted back down to 3/5...

Zuletzt geändert am 15. November 2024, 21:24 Uhr

am 15. November 2024, 20:56 Uhr von Srinidhi Kabra
OMG this puzzle was sooo awesome! Kept me engaged for days! (Probably not such a good thing since I have my exams coming up, but this was the only thing on my mind literally all day). I feel like I am cloud 9 after solving this puzzle!

It took me a long time but it was so worth it. A beautiful coloring exercise!

I really adore the idea - toroidal sudoku! Would love to see such more topology inspired sudokus in the future! You are a creative genius for composing this puzzle! Hats off!


So glad you liked it!!
There's 000K2A, it just came out. It's special for the hardcore topology fans :D

am 13. November 2024, 21:58 Uhr von Krokant
Very fun one. :)

Zuletzt geändert am 13. November 2024, 18:45 Uhr

am 13. November 2024, 18:39 Uhr von BlitzburghBrian
My biggest mistake was trying to enter the solution code using the second column from the right- that's column 9 in a 10-digit sudoku!



am 12. November 2024, 06:34 Uhr von Briks
Beautiful colouring puzzle

am 12. November 2024, 05:37 Uhr von Decapod
Brutal! 200 minutes to solve, but the discoveries along the way were very satisfying

am 11. November 2024, 21:40 Uhr von marcmees
Very nice & tougher than expected. Thanks

am 11. November 2024, 17:02 Uhr von aqjhs
fixed code

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:39 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal


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