Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Seven Hidden Frogs

(Eingestellt am 19. September 2024, 10:37 Uhr von Sotehr)



Sudoku: Normal Sudoku rules apply; place the digits 1-9 once in every row, column, and 3x3 box.

German Whisper Line (starting cells at r2c2, r4c5, r4c7, r6c8, r9c4): Digits along a green line differ by at least 5.

Renban Line (starting cell r2c7): Digits along a magenta line contain a set of consecutive digits in any order, without repeats.

Region Sum Line (starting cell r6c4): Digits along a blue line are divided by box borders into sums of equal value.

Thermometer Line (bulb cells at r3c6, r8c1): Digits along a gray thermometer strictly increase from the bulb.

Black Kropki Dots: Digits separated by a black dot have a ratio of 1:2.

White Kropki Dots: Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive.

X: Digits separated by an X sum to 10.

Expected Difficulty: 2 stars

Clay Loves Logic Feature.

Sudoku Sleuth Feature.

Logic Lemur Gaming Feature.

Frank Puzzles Feature.

Play Seven Hidden Frogs on SudokuPad.

Lösungscode: Row 7, left to right.

Zuletzt geändert am 24. November 2024, 16:02 Uhr

Gelöst von Piff, EmX68, lune, zorant, efnenu, agenthans, ark29, Fizz, maniacaljackal, hige, jalebc, LehanLehan, Dreamy4Vada, chippers, Platinum, Megalobrainiac, fuxia, Miaocik, AdamPI, jgarber, maglia, Ragna, ... sandbo00, sorhead, asver, NemoBlub, ParaNox, alzika, jsxft, jjtheplum, Jensa, spirozh, Aran-Fey, Thomster, chrysalis, RussKozerski, sortofrican90, TVDK, KillTehBunny, ChampionAsh5357, rexxk, rav
Komplette Liste


am 24. November 2024, 02:18 Uhr von Frank Puzzles

Here's my solve of your puzzle. I enjoyed it!

am 2. November 2024, 16:59 Uhr von PatMac
Your puzzle was very satisfying to solve. First doing everything I could see then getting stuck. Then getting unstuck and the floodgates opened. Great fun Sotehr.

am 7. Oktober 2024, 01:01 Uhr von sujoyku
Lovely puzzle! Thank you for setting and sharing, Sotehr!

am 19. September 2024, 21:00 Uhr von GeorgeTheToad2
Very nice

am 19. September 2024, 19:32 Uhr von permafrostyx
yay froggy

am 19. September 2024, 13:37 Uhr von Ragna
Very nice and elegant puzzle! Thank you. :-)

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:249 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

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