Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Draw a one-cell-wide loop of orthogonally connected cells. The loop may not touch itself, not even diagonally.
The loop acts as a German Whispers line (i.e., adjacent digits on the loop must have a difference of at least 5).
Cells with arrow clues may be either on or off the loop.
-- If an arrow cell is OFF the loop, then the digit in that cell counts the total number of loop cells in the indicated direction.
-- However, if an arrow cell is ON the loop, then the digit in that cell must NOT correctly count the total number of loop cells in the indicated direction (not including itself).
Lösungscode: Digits on the loop in row 6 (left to right) followed by digits on the loop in row 9 (left to right)
am 26. November 2024, 01:51 Uhr von Frank Puzzles
Here's my solve of your puzzle. Fascinating rule set. I got stuck a lot on this puzzle, but as you can see from the video, I kept trucking along and made it out of the loop!
am 16. September 2024, 22:43 Uhr von nearestneighbour
I love your loop puzzles! Thanks for making them!
am 14. September 2024, 19:29 Uhr von Myxo
Very smooth!
am 14. September 2024, 14:01 Uhr von LehanLehan
A really nice loop puzzle, thank you very much,yttrio
am 14. September 2024, 13:46 Uhr von Franjo
I love these loop-building puzzles. And this one is amazing! Thank you very much for creating and sharing.
am 14. September 2024, 06:37 Uhr von cybers
Beautiful! Loved the way the bottom half of the loop ended up coming into being.
am 14. September 2024, 03:51 Uhr von Calvinball
"Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies". And your lies were sweet, cunning, and glorious. Fantastic puzzle!