Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Bugs Like Blue Street Lighting

(Eingestellt am 2. September 2024, 09:01 Uhr von Noxy78)

Let’s just pretend that you can see a street lamp surrounded by bugs in the picture.


  • Divide the grid into 9 non-overlapping regions of orthogonally connected cells. Fill the grid with the digits 1-9 so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and region.
  • Each "Region sum" line is divided by region borders into multiple segments with the same sum.
  • Digits separated by a black bug are in a 1:2 ratio. Not all bugs are necessarily given.
  • A cell marked by a gray bug contains an odd digit if the bug is a circle, or an even digit if the bug is a square.
  • The two cells marked by a diamond are adjacent to the same number of region border segments (either 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4).

Solve here.

Good Luck !

By the way, I may continue the “Bugs Like” series one day, but for now there is only one other sudoku in it, Bugs Like Pink Street Lighting - check it out !

Lösungscode: Row 9.

Gelöst von SKORP17, ZornsLemon, tuturitu, MadHypnofrog, SEPHEN
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Gelöst:5 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

Variantenkombination Unregelmäßiges Gitter

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