Mistake in the link, a modulo set has a digit from [147], [258], and [369]. Sorry for the typo!
Place the digits 1-9 in every row, column, and box without repeats.
The grid is covered in fog, except for a couple starting cells. Placing correct digits removes the fog from all adjacent cells.
Lines moving through the centers of cells exist in the grid, each with a different color. Lines do not share cells or branch. All lines follow two or more of the three following rules:
- Box borders divide the line into sections with the same sum
- Any three sequential cells along the line make a modulo set (one number from [147], [258], and [369])
- Adjacent digits along the line differ by at least 5
Note that the lines are big enough that they appear in all cells around a corner when moving diagonally between cells unless covered by another line (i.e. no line goes from r2c2 to r3c1 but a line could go from r3c1 to r4c2)
Lösungscode: Row 9
am 6. September 2024, 14:28 Uhr von lmdemasi
A lot to unpack, but very interesting. Agree with other comment that it's 4*.
am 2. September 2024, 05:41 Uhr von rameshsrivats
Fantastic puzzle. How do you even set something like this. My brain is totally scrambled :) 4-star difficulty, I think.
am 2. September 2024, 00:05 Uhr von someguy209
Typo for modulo set