Hot Cross Buns
(Eingestellt am 1. September 2024, 00:00 Uhr von SkepticalMario)
Hot Cross Buns by Skeptical Mario
Normal sudoku rules - Enter the digits 1-9 in every cell without repeating in a row, column, or box...
Thermometers - On a gray thermometer line, digits increase from the bulb to the tip.
Play the puzzle on Sudokupad
I hope you enjoy the puzzle! :-)
Lösungscode: Box 7
Zuletzt geändert -
Gelöst von sfield, kkli, Iluvsodah, Postnormal, Laermans, tgstar, fuxia, apendleton, Fizz, Jdbskx, HazelTheColor, EmX68, pepe74287, mackant1, Rearden, Onyx, forsen, Raistlen, agenthans, zrbakhtiar, Banana, ... phs, PinkNickels, jgarber, dingledork, slatt490, JoBerlin, Nickyo, Zarlino, Slumped_5, ManuH, muule, flaemmchen, casquefou, NeroChaos, Carolin, jalebc, stonetim, kross, PippoForte, Rok1980, timww572
am 4. September 2024, 15:30 Uhr von PinkNickels
One a penny, two a penny