(Eingestellt am 23. August 2024, 11:54 Uhr von Basil)
If you approach it the right way it's quite easy. But there's one bit, which might be a bit tricky for an easy puzzle. So if you're stuck at the beginning, there's a hint section, which contains a question to help you get started.
- Irregular Sudoku: Put the digits 1-9 once in each row, column and region.
- Digits separated by a white kropki dot differ by the given number.
Play in sudokupad
Where do R5C2 and R5C8 go in the other regions?
Select the text above to view the hint.
hint (extended version)
R5C2 and R5C8 contain a pair of digits. Give each a color, and try placing that color in the other regions. When you've done this you should know which is which and know all positions of one of these digits. Then ask where 2 should go.
Select the text above to view the hint.
broken up region
Since there are 9 rows and 9 columns there are 9 complete sets of the digits 1-9. There are 8 whole regions. Each of these whole regions contains a complete set of the digits 1-9. This uses up 8 complete sets and for the whole regions and since the whole puzzle contains 9 sets, there is a complete set of digits left.
The 9th complete set has to go in the 9th broken up region.
Select the text above to view the hint.
Lösungscode: column 1
Zuletzt geändert am 25. August 2024, 21:02 Uhr
Gelöst von Ragna, seeppp, pms_headache, marcmees, SKORP17, fuxia, Christovaneeden, pepe74287, Mozart40, Dag H, Onyx, Rollo, gxorgx, sze, Jdbskx, Corey115, brimmy, redgecko, by81996672, Skaev, WarriorKitten, ... flaemmchen, Joanie, Uhu, ManuH, jimbob1984, JohnDoeJersey, TheKayOne, H.I. McDunnough, TroublesomeOrca, chanelaw, karen_birgitta, paranoid, lmdemasi, jalebc, asver, lovely, PippoForte
am 27. August 2024, 18:22 Uhr von Basil
I've made this puzzle some time ago and when I replayed it before posting I made a wrong assumption when solving it, so the hint I posted is actually not helping. I'll try to find a helpful hint.
am 25. August 2024, 21:02 Uhr von Basil
extended the hint.
am 23. August 2024, 21:47 Uhr von Basil
Added 2nd hint to explain why the left over cells have to contain the left over digits.
am 23. August 2024, 19:27 Uhr von Dag H
Nice puzzle! Agree with marcmees, you should explain the weird 9th region.
am 23. August 2024, 15:34 Uhr von marcmees
nice. thanks.
(although clear to me, maybe mention there's a region split in 5 parts)
am 23. August 2024, 14:41 Uhr von Ragna
Fun puzzle! Thank you. :-)