In diesem Rätsel fährt ein Taxi eine Schleife durch Manhattan.
Die Taxi-Distanz von Zelle A zu Zelle B ist die kleinstmögliche Anzahl an orthogonalen Schritten um von A nach B zu gelangen, z.B. falls A und B einen Springer-Sprung voneinander entfernt sind, dann haben sie eine Taxi-Distanz von 3, da ein Springer sich um 2 Zellen in eine Richtung und um 1 Zelle in eine senkrechte Richtung bewegt.
Link: CTC
Viel Spaß! Bewertungen und Kommentare sind natürlich erwünscht.
Lösungscode: Summe aller Ziffern der Schleife, dann Spalte 6
am 23. August 2024, 14:57 Uhr von luisdias412
Really enjoyed this set of rules! Hoping for a full 9x9. Great work!
am 22. August 2024, 20:05 Uhr von lordovol
Nice puzzle. But the rules was confusing. I wasn't sure if cells not in the loop count as taxicab cells for allowing another cell to be on the loop
am 22. August 2024, 13:16 Uhr von Platinum
Great concept, like others would love a 9x9 version
am 22. August 2024, 12:32 Uhr von permafrostyx
am 22. August 2024, 11:13 Uhr von nearestneighbour
Awesome puzzle, loved the logic and would like to see a full sized version.
About the rules, I think for many people here it would be clearer if you use a term like negative constraint, because it's more commonly used on this site.
Also, solution code was too much work lol. Maybe something like "row 6 and column 6, loop cells only"
But again I love this puzzle
A: Thank you for your nice words and your advice.
am 22. August 2024, 06:58 Uhr von Hajuhn
Great puzzle, like GrumpyMan said would've been great if it was clearer in the ruleset that numbers not on the loop cannot be a taxicab difference away
A: That is precisely the meaning of ‘if and only if’.
am 22. August 2024, 03:22 Uhr von thrutch
A really fun and interesting rule set, look forwards to seeing a 9x9 version!
A: Thank you. Maybe one day I’ll give it a try. :-)
am 22. August 2024, 03:19 Uhr von kdkirby
The backwards direction of the iff was wonderful to work with. Great puzzle!
A: Thank you, glad you liked it!
am 22. August 2024, 00:04 Uhr von JasonRobards
Nice puzzle! Thank you :)
A: Thanks!
am 21. August 2024, 23:38 Uhr von GrumpyMan
It could have been clearer in the instructions that not only are all parts of the loop taxicab cells, but all non-loop cells are not taxicab cells.
A: That is precisely the meaning of ‘if and only if’.