Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Step Ladder

(Eingestellt am 18. August 2024, 07:17 Uhr von 10feet)

Step Ladder

An anti-knight, thermo, arrow Sudoku


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1 through 9 in each empty cell. Digits must not repeat within the same row, column, or box.
  • Digits must not repeat in cells that are a chess knight's move apart.
  • Digits along each thermometer must increase starting from the bulb end.
  • The digits along each arrow must sum to the digit in the circled cell. Digits may repeat along an arrow if permitted by other rules.


Lösungscode: 3rd row

Gelöst von keenbowl, apendleton, flaemmchen, pepe74287, efnenu, Hajuhn, Guillem98, seeppp, EmX68, paranoid, AN_not_IO, finger, wang, Ryaffio, annnz, keesh, tgstar, tiuhto, kkli, Megalobrainiac, anyeyeball, ... pms_headache, PinkNickels, chanelaw, Mathemagier, faalsh, joelth, ManuH, Gullie, rasmussaame, Kabuki73, Koba, forsen, karen_birgitta, ChristJan, wacfwaef, augsod, faisalaak, TaeChi, jalebc, Carolin
Komplette Liste


am 21. August 2024, 20:25 Uhr von PinkNickels
Very clever!

am 18. August 2024, 14:46 Uhr von HumanBirdsong
Interesting puzzle with a good flow!

Bewertung:89 %
Gelöst:85 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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