Have you heard about the third?
(Eingestellt am 11. August 2024, 10:15 Uhr von ralphwaldo1)
Normal Sudoku: place the digits 1-6 once each into every row, column and 3 x 2 box.
Yin Yang: colour each cell one of two colours, such that the grid is divided into two orthogonally connected regions, one of each colour. No 2 x 2 square may consist of cells of one colour only.
Balancer lines: along each red line, the sum of the digits in the cells of one colour must equal the sum of the digits in the cells of the other colour.
Play in SudokuApp
This puzzle is trying to popularize the "
Third Secret of Yin Yang Puzzles" (link includes all secrets along with short explanations).
Try also
a larger puzzle with the same rules.
Lösungscode: Count which colour has fewer cells in the completed grid. Give the count and the row 6 digits of that colour, e.g. "11 156" (separated by one space)
Zuletzt geändert am 11. August 2024, 11:21 Uhr
Gelöst von Piff, ThePedallingPianist, Sinuit, GorgeousNicko, Luaryo, SKORP17, Scojo, fajoogaloo, karlmortenlunna, sujoyku, PhrygianFinite, E_firework, sorryimLate, lmdemasi, gdc, BeeBoi, QuiltyAsCharged, gxorgx, El1247
am 12. September 2024, 10:06 Uhr von QuiltyAsCharged
Very nice puzzle snack, and interesting to learn the third secret! I will now proceed to forget the third secret before the next time I need it, lol
am 12. August 2024, 02:22 Uhr von fajoogaloo
I have now. Great introduction to a very cool new tool to my yin-yang solving toolbox. Awesome puzzle :)
am 12. August 2024, 02:15 Uhr von Scojo
Very cool how learning the third secret takes this puzzle from impenetrable to quite approachable!