Center Clash
This puzzle is a tie with my previous personal record of just four 6-cell thermos for a unique solution.
However, the logic required for this one is quite different :)
Solution code: row 1
on 12. December 2024, 03:16 by TheNineElements
I rated this 3/5 difficulty.
This is probably the absolute best a thermo puzzle could ever hope to be. I thought the 'break in'/early deductions were very beautiful, but a bit tough to spot. Looking back every step was completely fair, but was not at all what I was expecting when I initially saw the layout.
The 'realisation' I had about the geometry was a bit tricky to spot, but I was absolutely amazed at how it completely broke the puzzle apart and everything was so smooth afterwards. The fact I was absle to completely fill out the thermos before doing much 'normal sudoku' was very nice and was such a cool experience. Perfect balance of clever thermo geometry/logic and basic sudoku principles. It was very nice how the puzzle had the thermo phase of solving followed by the sudoku phase. Great setting!
on 10. September 2024, 14:56 by dumediat
Fantastic logic, and I particularly enjoyed the ending logic...full of surprises from start to finish. Thank you!
on 10. September 2024, 00:23 by Ragna
Wow! Sensationell. Thank you for creating an sharing, Blashyrkh. :-))
on 15. August 2024, 18:25 by da-hans
Very nice puzzle. Took me a while but as soon as I understood the title it went smoothly.
on 13. August 2024, 16:45 by Puzzle Weasel
Beautifully elegant, thank you.
on 6. August 2024, 10:25 by SimiC
This was super fun! I knew what i had to do to solve it, but it still took me a while
on 5. August 2024, 12:52 by egubachu
I am very suprpised that this puzzle is rated so low! The logic with the thermos is clean and beautiful, and there's a fun bit of sudoku at the end to top it off. This puzzle is gorgeous and belongs in the hall of fame!
on 5. August 2024, 12:46 by egubachu
Phenomenal! I'm speechless. Wonderful puzzle!
on 5. August 2024, 12:17 by psninn
Such a few clues can lead to a unique solution, that's impressive!
on 4. August 2024, 23:32 by jwsinclair
Amazing! Few setters have ever mastered a constraint quite like Blashyrkh has mastered thermos