Extended Sudoku rules apply, place the digits 0-9 in each row, column, and box, however there will be one digit in each that does not fit. This digit can vary between rows, columns, and boxes and needs to be determined by the solver.
Knights Move: Digits separated by a chess knights move cannot contain the same digit.
Arrows: digits along the arrow’s line add up to the digit in the attached circle.
Kropki: Digits separated by a black dot are in a ratio of 2:1, and digits separated by a white dot are consecutive.
XV: Digits separated by an X add to 10, those separated by a V add to 5.
This is a sequel to “Who Invited Zero?” which you can find HERE.
If you like this puzzle, you may enjoy some of my other puzzles too, click HERE to see the other puzzles I have made.
Lösungscode: Row 9
am 19. Januar 2025, 23:58 Uhr von QuiltyAsCharged
I really enjoy these 0-9 challenges. I find them much tougher than they're rated.
am 1. August 2024, 23:24 Uhr von GrumpyMan
I got so engrossed with the 0-9 rule I again completely forgot about the knight rule, which made it far harder than it should have been. I think I need a visual reminder about anti-knight.
I have done that far too many times. Looked back at the rules after being stuck forever and it was an easy next step if I was paying attention.
I agree that coming up with some standard visual notation for knights move would be nice.
The Bard
am 31. Juli 2024, 22:48 Uhr von PinkNickels
Nice one as always, Bard. This one was a bit tricker than the last one, at least in my estimation. Thanks for another 0-9 so quickly!
You got to it just before I updated the link to the same puzzle but a smoother version. I had the internet go out in my area just as I needed to update it... :(
The Bard
Ahh, gotcha. All good. A challenge is good. I actually rated the original as 3* but looks like the market makes it 2.
am 31. Juli 2024, 19:45 Uhr von cybers
some fresh logic in here for me - lots of fun, thank you! (also, the image should be updated to reflect the update I presume you made to the arrows)
Thank you. I missed updating the link with the smoother variation.
The Bard