Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pumped (Killer Kangaroos)

(Eingestellt am 30. Juli 2024, 22:01 Uhr von purpl)

You know when a puzzle takes you seven tries and every time you make what you think is a finished product but then it is broken? That was this one... first of two kangaroo themed puzzles! The other one caused even more pain :D

Pumped is a slang word from sport climbing which means that the lactic acid in your muscles is causing you to fatigue. I changed the name of this puzzle from Down Under to Pumped as I went through several versions and got exhausted by the rules.


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Each cage contains two orthogonally connected sets of cells (together these take all cells in the cages) which both independently sum to the clue (if given) without repeating digits (digits can repeat between the two sets). One of these sets, the pouch, must use less digits than the other set. Pouch cells from two different killer kangaroos can never touch orthogonally, as we don't want to confuse the joeys.

Cages without clues must satisfy the above rules for a cage value determined by the solver.

Here is an example puzzle which uses the same rules: Example link: SudokuPad

Main Puzzle link:


If you enjoyed this puzzle, consider leaving a rating and comment or better yet recommend it to your fellow solvers! I hope you do so for all the puzzles you enjoy ;)

I have a YouTube channel where we discuss puzzles and setting them. Including interviews of Phistomefel, Rangsk, wisteria, AnalyticalNinja, and many more.

Lösungscode: Column 4 (top to bottom, 9 digits, no spaces)

Zuletzt geändert am 4. Oktober 2024, 15:43 Uhr

Gelöst von Fool on Hill, dangernoodle, Wessel Strijkstra, sujoyku, cybers, BirdyChirp, SincereEngineer, gdc, futoysl, dingledork, Tilberg, sze, Shape, Sonki, achim-t, tangobunni, AlluDaVinci, zzgsg, dennischen, 9Rookienumbers, Franjo, atomvic, Pink Flag, steperlich, trashghost, Mathemagier, nighthawkranger, lianarox, Crul, brimmy, dogfarts, Malrog, OGRussHood, mcs131313, SKORP17, Crusader175, Uhu
Komplette Liste


am 4. Oktober 2024, 15:43 Uhr von purpl
Rules clarification

am 4. Oktober 2024, 10:46 Uhr von Crusader175
Interesting idea and cool interaction!

am 31. Juli 2024, 01:32 Uhr von gdc

am 30. Juli 2024, 23:47 Uhr von cybers
what a cute rule and clean puzzle :)

am 30. Juli 2024, 23:07 Uhr von sujoyku
The kangaroo killer rule is really fun and tricky stuff. Thank you for setting and sharing this beautiful puzzle, purpl!

am 30. Juli 2024, 22:55 Uhr von Wessel Strijkstra

am 30. Juli 2024, 22:12 Uhr von Fool on Hill
Cool puzzle - love the kangaroo rule which has some fresh logic and made me think.

Bewertung:90 %
Gelöst:37 mal
Beobachtet:1 mal

Rätselvariante Variantenkombination Neu Online-Solving-Tool Arithmetikrätsel

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