Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Welcome Home Juggler!

(Eingestellt am 23. Juli 2024, 02:12 Uhr von ThePedallingPianist)

This is a welcome home gift for Juggler, who has spent several months travelling the world, including a visit to yours truly, and has now arrived back home in... well, I wouldn't dare reveal where he lives! (Don't worry, I have his permission to share this puzzle!)

Huge thanks to gdc for his help in achieving the curve on the cables.

Play on SudokuPad

Sudoku: Place a digit from 1-9 in every cell such that digits do not repeat in rows, columns or 3x3 boxes.

Dutch Whisper: Adjacent digits on an orange line must differ by at least 4.

German Whisper: Adjacent digits on a green line must differ by at least 5.

Nabner: No two digits on a yellow line are the same or consecutive.

Palindrome: Digits on a grey line (with no bulb) read the same forwards as backwards.

Parity: Adjacent cells on a red line must contain one even and one odd digit.

Region Sum: Box borders divide a blue line into segments, whose digits have the same sum.

Renban: Digits on a purple line form a non-repeating consecutive set.

Thermometer: Digits on a grey line with a bulb must increase from the bulb end.

Lösungscode: Row 9 (bottom row), left to right

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Juli 2024, 10:53 Uhr

Gelöst von ralphwaldo1, by81996672, bansalsaab, cornish-john, gdc, MonsieurTRISTE, YoshiKyon, jalebc, Megalobrainiac, Gammon88, PhysicistFromFunen, BlackWolf, tgstar, Vodakhan , mihel111, Ragna, efnenu, cmigas, Geryyy, SKORP17, Piff, flyingdragon, JayBird, palpot, A very large bear, Jodelbanane, TaeChi, Julianl, JustDoggy, pepe74287, b413x, karlmortenlunna, joelth, rich_27, sorryimLate, BeeBoi
Komplette Liste


am 23. Juli 2024, 13:06 Uhr von mihel111
Lots of colours.Lot of fun.
Very well done.

am 23. Juli 2024, 10:47 Uhr von PhysicistFromFunen
What an absolute blast!
As someone new to setting this is such an inspiration, although the sheer quality of this break-in almost makes me despair!

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Juli 2024, 10:54 Uhr

am 23. Juli 2024, 09:49 Uhr von Gammon88
One small note, in the rules you describe German whispers as orange lines instead of green. But very enjoyable


TPP: Thank you for pointing this out, all fixed now! This is why you don't publish puzzles at 1am!!

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:36 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

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