Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

My Favorite Song

(Eingestellt am 18. Juli 2024, 01:13 Uhr von theasylm)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Normal thermometer rules apply. Normal Japanese sums rules apply. Colors used in this grid are Purple, Blue, broWn, Green, golD, Red, Orange, grAy, and blacK. For best results, remove all unshaded markings you have done once complete, then read the song title hidden vertically in the grid.

Thermometer rules: digits must strictly increase from the bulb end.

Japanese Sums rules: the squares outside the grid indicate the order of the runs of contiguous cells that must be shaded the color of the clue. The number in the square indicates the sum of the cells in the run. There must be at least one unshaded cell between runs of the same color, but that is not required for runs of different colors. All shaded runs are given.

Lösungscode: Central row, left to right

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von AdamPI, metacom, AAndrei_Truther, m_busuttil, jkuo7, coolguy14, Fizz, Sudocorgi, Banana, chis_r, SKORP17, PuzzlePatzer, 11srube, GorgeousNicko, roscommon, OGRussHood, jalebc, Onyx, creo, xtrm0, ... jgarber, DK_48, lesc08, MaxSmartable, BlackApolloX, MrBeachHut, QuiltyAsCharged, Illuminated, Drawoon, Gnubeutel, 3ColorTheorem, Leilalu222, JSmoove1099, Carolin, bereolosp, yasmim.nat, Saskia11
Komplette Liste


am 14. August 2024, 23:33 Uhr von DK_48
Thanks zrbakhtiar for the song title. I also had a hard time reading the letters.
I like the artist too. The picture matches his covers.
Nice puzzle!

am 19. Juli 2024, 06:44 Uhr von Montikulum
Easy going, very pleasant!

am 18. Juli 2024, 14:16 Uhr von chis_r

Bewertung:89 %
Gelöst:84 mal
Beobachtet:2 mal


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