Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sumthing in Between

(Eingestellt am 13. Juli 2024, 06:32 Uhr von PhysicistFromFunen)

Here are the rules:
  1. Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  2. Place the digits 1-9 once each on the grey squares.
  3. On teal lines, the digits between the two endpoints sum to the product of the endpoint digits.
  4. Purple lines are renban lines, i.e. digits hereon are non-repeating, consecutive digits in any order.
  5. Gold lines adhere to the restrictions of both teal and purple lines.
The two renbans crossing in box 3 are both straight lines.
The puzzle is also available online in the CtC App. I will greatly appreciate any feedback! Have fun solving!

Lösungscode: Rows 7 and 9.

Zuletzt geändert am 13. Juli 2024, 06:56 Uhr

Gelöst von cozoq, RickiFerrara, Megalobrainiac, sarabtx, jalebc, GorgeousNicko, SKORP17, halakani, johnreid, The Bard, achim-t, walid_tun, doomedmageknight, juddimal, abihummel
Komplette Liste


am 14. Juli 2024, 19:43 Uhr von walid_tun
I was counting the endpoints in the product and sum as well, wondering why it doesn't work lol.
I also enjoyed the last special deduction.

Thanks for this wonderful puzzle.

Zuletzt geändert am 14. Juli 2024, 14:04 Uhr

am 14. Juli 2024, 13:40 Uhr von PhysicistFromFunen
Gold lines are "both" teal and purple. For example, 2-6-3 would be valid for a teal line but not for a purple line (not consecutive) and thus not for a gold line.

Zuletzt geändert am 14. Juli 2024, 09:28 Uhr

am 14. Juli 2024, 09:27 Uhr von walid_tun
I didn't understand the Gold line rule.

am 13. Juli 2024, 07:46 Uhr von cozoq
Thanks for sharing this nice puzzle! The rules work together in nifty ways. Logical progression throughout

Gelöst:15 mal
Beobachtet:2 mal

Online-Solving-Tool Arithmetikrätsel

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