Normal Sudoku Rules apply.
Columns, rows, boxes, and cell numbers are each numbered in normal reading order.
There are 18 special cells in the puzzle. These cells are two sets of 1-9. There are two special cells in each row, in each column, and in each 3x3 box.
ANY cell orthogonal with a special cell cannot be consecutive to that special cell.
Digits in the 9-cell negative diagonal (NW to SE) cannot repeat values with a special cell located in that diagonal.
17 special cells (All but one) must satisfy AT LEAST 2 out of the 4 following conditions:
1) The cells value matches the row number.
2) The cells value matches the column number.
3) The cells value matches the box number.
4) The cells value matches one of the digits of the cell number.
Example: If cell 55 (r7c1) is one of the 17 special cells it must be a 7 because it's row number is 7 and it's box number is 7. No other value for cell 55 satisfies 2 or more conditions.
The only special cell that doesn't satisfy the "2 out of 4 conditions" rule must be found by the solver.
There are no given digits.
For the solvers convenience I have added two pictures to the puzzle page. The first shows all of the values of the one's digit of the cell numbers. The second picture shows all of the values of the ten's digit of the cell numbers.
Solution code: All of the numbers of Box 4 (in normal reading order), then all of the numbers of Box 5 (in normal reading order). (18 digits total no spaces)
on 12. July 2024, 17:27 by Briks
Nice! Not too hard, 3 stars are just right.
on 12. July 2024, 05:31 by Red Raven
Changed the name of the puzzle from "twice in every row column & box" to "Twofold Sudoku" here are the links to the puzzle with the previous name.