Bring Back the Fog!
(Published on 8. July 2024, 17:30 by juggler)
click on the puzzle image to play
Normal 6x6 Sudoku rules apply.
ARROWS - Digits on an arrow sum to the digit in the attached circle.
D.I.Y. FOG - Add fog to half of the cells in each row, column, and box by shading them medium grey. Sections of arrow clues under the fog are gone, and can be ignored. The real shape of arrow clues under the fog must be determined by the solver (but must be consistent with arrow clue sections that are still visible). Arrows only move orthogonally, and can't move into cells already occupied by another arrow.
Solution code: All digits in real arrow circles (in reading order)
Last changed on on 9. July 2024, 17:19
Solved by vitaminz, sfushidahardy, anonymoose, hoopsie, ole-1995a, SKORP17, lmdemasi, utsavb, KyubiBoy, Geb, jkuo7, abysszealot, Nell Gwyn, oskode, QuiltyAsCharged, kevinlimanta, smckinley, ChinStrap, belnovic, tdeo, widjo, randall, woody, kublai
on 10. August 2024, 07:37 by ChinStrap
Great! Had me thinking things I've never worked through before on a sudoku. Agree with everyone that it looks scarier than it is.
on 13. July 2024, 00:17 by QuiltyAsCharged
What an original idea! Makes for a novel experience in solving. Very nice
on 10. July 2024, 02:00 by Geb
Very imaginative concept but wow that screws with your head while solving.
on 8. July 2024, 17:36 by sfushidahardy
It looks very intimidating at first, but it's actually very solvable! I loved it.
Last changed on 8. July 2024, 17:36on 8. July 2024, 17:36 by vitaminz
This is not as scary as it seems, has logic I’ve never seen in a sudoku before, and is well worth your time.