Please don't open the box!
Finishing this construction broke the region 3 renban cage. That caused problems, leading to the partner of this puzzle,
Why did you open that?
You can attempt this puzzle at
this sudokupad link
Good Luck!Questions, comments, feedback are always welcome.
Normal Schrodinger Sudoku rules apply: Fill the grid with the digits 0-9 such that no digit repeats in a row, column, or box.
S-cells: In each row, column, and box there is exactly one S-cell, S-cells contain two digits instead of one, and their value for the purpose of other clues is the sum of those digits.
Schrodinger boxes: Every S-cell is a box, and every box is an S-cell.
These boxes are supposed to remain closed, but somebody opened one.
These boxes may not be opened, and so they simultaneously satisfy two different rules:
Rule 1: Counting boxes: Every digit N appearing in a counting box appears N times in counting boxes.
Rule 2: Even boxes: The box has an even value
Austrian Whispers: Adjacent cells on a red line are either equal, or they differ by at least 10.
Killer cages: Digits do not repeat in cages (though values may repeat) and values sum to the total in the top left corner of each cage.
Renbans: Each purple line contains a set of consecutive values with no repeats.
Nabners: No two values on a gold line can be consecutive or equal. e.g. If one cell on a gold line has the value 5, then no other cell on that line can have the values 4, 5 or 6.
Kropki: Values in cells separated by a white dot are consecutive. Values in cells separated by a black dot have a 2:1 ratio. Not all dots are necessarily given.
My three most recent puzzles:
Don't open the box
Austrian Whispers
Gelöst von Snookerfan, SKORP17, Vodakhan , bansalsaab, rameshsrivats, matzrh, wullemuus, bodemeister