Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Whispern't Loop

(Eingestellt am 6. Juli 2024, 02:04 Uhr von yttrio)

A slightly different take on the rules for my previous loop puzzles with arrow clues. Estimated difficulty is between 3 and 4 stars.


Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Draw a one-cell-wide loop of orthogonally connected cells. The loop may not touch itself, not even diagonally.

The loop acts as a German Whispers line (i.e., adjacent digits on the loop must have a difference of at least 5).

Digits in cells with arrows count how many NON-loop cells are in the indicated directions combined (not including the cell itself).


Lösungscode: Digits on the loop in row 2 (left to right) followed by digits on the loop in row 8 (left to right)

Gelöst von SincereEngineer, rameshsrivats, h5663454, tuturitu, Calvinball, han233ing, Vodakhan , trashghost, killer_rectangle, Mr_tn, dogfarts, SXH, mackerel, psninn, bansalsaab, Paletron, Jesper, Snookerfan, ... lmdemasi, Tompzini, Puzzle Weasel, RiGri, TonySnark, spoonfed, mkubica, SimiC, piyush, miranda_9, HighEagle, zonka, AvonD, sth, darrenfwl, salsais, misko, Calesch, virus_dave, wuc, PippoForte
Komplette Liste


am 23. Dezember 2024, 01:31 Uhr von wuc
Awesome logic. Great puzzle. Tough but fair. Thx a lot.

am 21. November 2024, 07:44 Uhr von virus_dave
I agree with miranda_9 entirely. Took me awhile to find a break in, but once i did it all flowed so beautifully. Very well done!

Zuletzt geändert am 27. Juli 2024, 16:03 Uhr

am 27. Juli 2024, 16:02 Uhr von miranda_9
Absolutely beautiful!... but took me a while to find the start.Once found it was just rolling.Thanks

am 11. Juli 2024, 10:32 Uhr von Ppaatt
This solve was absolutely beautiful!

am 7. Juli 2024, 20:16 Uhr von marcmees
took me ages to unravel this beauty. :-) thanks

am 6. Juli 2024, 21:22 Uhr von Calvinball
It took me a moment to turn off my arrow instincts, once I did it was wonderful roller coaster ride.

am 6. Juli 2024, 05:35 Uhr von rameshsrivats

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:62 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal


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