Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Austrian Whispers

(Eingestellt am 2. Juli 2024, 17:34 Uhr von sanabas)

I've made a new whisper line, and named it in honour of a famous Austrian. As in his thought experiment, each pair of digits can be in two different states, and you'll only resolve which after observing it properly. I started with a red E.S., a purple box, and a dead (or alive?) stick-man (or stick-cat?), and this is where I ended up:

Normal Schrodinger Sudoku rules apply: Fill the grid with the digits 0-9 such that no digit repeats in a row, column, or box.
S-cells: in each row, column, and box there is exactly one S-cell, S-cells contain two digits instead of one, and their value for the purpose of other clues is the sum of those digits.
Killer cages: Digits do not repeat in cages (though values may repeat) and values sum to the total in the top left corner of each cage.
Renbans: Each purple line contains a set of consecutive values. ***Neither values nor digits may repeat on a renban.*** e.g. (25)-8-9-(37) is a valid renban. (14)-6-(34)-(26) is invalid, because the digits 4 and 6 are repeated.
Austrian Whispers: Adjacent values on red lines are either equal, or they differ by at least 10

Sudokupad link

Good luck!
note:My apologies to those who solved the original version of this. I made an error and left out the line segment on r5c56. The puzzle was still solvable, but I believe significantly harder than it was supposed to be. This version hopefully flows much better, and is closer to the intended difficulty.

I am extremely new to constructing, so all attempts, comments, feedback on my puzzles are very welcome.
My previous puzzles: Schrodingerenban

Lösungscode: Column 2

Gelöst von SKORP17, bansalsaab, rameshsrivats, Vodakhan , SincereEngineer, matzrh, wullemuus, Chishiri, Dr Logic, cryptique, bodemeister, Ton
Komplette Liste


am 19. Juli 2024, 12:16 Uhr von Dr Logic
Really lovely! Took me quite a while as its my first solve of an S-Cell puzzle. (kept forgetting about 0 haha)

am 3. Juli 2024, 01:41 Uhr von rameshsrivats
Wow! That was tough. I kept forgetting that Austrian Whispers allow for the same value and that the difference can also be greater than 10.
But terrific concept. And beautifully executed. Great puzzle.

am 2. Juli 2024, 19:28 Uhr von bansalsaab
Definitely bit easier than before and much more enjoyable.

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:12 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

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