Copycat Collaboration
(Eingestellt am 28. Juni 2024, 13:38 Uhr von Scojo)
This puzzle was set with a lot of help from my twitch chat, particularly the following people: Flinty, juggler, palpot, Ratfinkz, and gdc.
- Normal sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1-9 once each into every row, column, and 3x3 box.
- Copycat Cells: Place 9 Copycat Cells into the grid so that there is exactly one Copycat Cell in each row, column, and 3x3 box. Each Copycat Cell must contain a different digit. The value of a Copycat Cell is the digit in the cell rotationally opposite itself in the grid (180° rotation about the center of the grid). For example, if r2c3 is a Copycat Cell containing the digit 5, and r8c7 contains the digit 9, the value of r2c3 is the digit in r8c7, which is 9.
- Zippers: Values an equal distance from the center of a lavender line sum to the value in the center of the line (which is marked with a small circle).
- Odd Lots: A value in a yellow circle counts the number of odd values on the attached line.
Solve in SudokuPad
Puzzles in my Copycat series:
- Copycat Copycat: featuring Doublers, Slow Thermos, and Entropic Lines.
- Copycat Yin Yang: featuring Yin Yang and Killer Cages.
- Copycat Collaboration: featuring Zipper Lines and Odd Lots. (Collab with several other setters)
- Copycat Blues: featuring Region Sum Lines and Same Difference Lines. (Collab with Marty Sears)
- Copycat Choco Banana: featuring Choco Banana and Arrows.
- Copycat Cipher: featuring Ciphered Digits, X-Sums, and Killer Cages.
- Copycat Kropki: featuring Kropki Dots.
Lösungscode: The VALUES of every cell in row 2, from left to right
Zuletzt geändert am 24. September 2024, 09:02 Uhr
Gelöst von marty_sears, gdc, heliopolix , han233ing, palpot, juggler, SkepticalMario, lmdemasi, Elker, Ratfinkz, blackjackfitz, samuel1997, Fool on Hill, fjam, wand, antiknight, tome_coelho, SSG, juventino188, ... madhupt, Felis_Timon, OGRussHood, QuiltyAsCharged, NightDog, mew_rocks, draftstyle, karlmortenlunna, coolguy14, h5663454, Uhu, isajo4002, dpsy, Leilalu222, darrenfwl, ViKingPrime, roflsalot, Sotehr
am 4. Juli 2024, 21:40 Uhr von bansalsaab
Beautiful ruleset
am 3. Juli 2024, 23:57 Uhr von antiknight
I like the copycat rule a lot! Beautiful puzzle
am 3. Juli 2024, 22:23 Uhr von samuel1997
I burst out laughing when I just solved the puzzle! This is just amazing!
am 3. Juli 2024, 06:08 Uhr von blackjackfitz
Absolutely beautiful! I really loved this puzzle, well done to Scojo and Chat. I pulled a Simon and flat out refused to do sudoku for like 20 minutes after I got to the point where it was time to do sudoku, but I had a blast doing it haha
am 3. Juli 2024, 04:32 Uhr von Ratfinkz
I LOVE this puzzle! Was wonderful to watch you set it, and had brought me much pleasure since! Simply stunning puzzle!
am 28. Juni 2024, 21:02 Uhr von palpot
I'm amazed at how well this puzzle turned out. This combination of rules provides some unusual and fascinating logic!
am 28. Juni 2024, 16:37 Uhr von han233ing
Unexpected! Especially that line which is 5-cells long.
am 28. Juni 2024, 16:17 Uhr von heliopolix
The most fun I've had solving this year!
am 28. Juni 2024, 13:48 Uhr von gdc
Very biased comment from a co-setter coming in. I was new to the copycat rule when the colloborative setting began and got very surprised by the nice logic that came from it. The local constraints (zippers, odd-lots) are among my favorites at the moment.
am 28. Juni 2024, 13:47 Uhr von marty_sears
An extraordinarily good puzzle, although I guess this is to be expected when you see the talent that worked on it. What a dreamteam!