Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Color By Number: Speed Run

(Eingestellt am 4. Juli 2024, 05:00 Uhr von Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. SUMMING LINES- Lines each have a VALUE, according to their color. All colors have a different VALUE. Cell numbers are equal to the sum of all line values that go to the cell's center. Example: Row 3 Column 3 is equal to the values of blue + red + purple. Row 2 Column 3 is just the value of purple. For colorblind people, there are 5 colors, with first initial to the left of center in any cells with only that color: Red, Blue, Purple, Orange and Green. Cells with no colored lines can be any number. KROPKI PAIRS- Numbers with a white dot between them are consecutive. Numbers with a black dot between them are in a ratio of 2:1. Not all possible dots are given. Post your time on Logic Masters Deutschland, if you like. Bonus for less than 10 minutes. Double bonus for less than 8 minutes.


Solve on CTC

Lösungscode: Row 5.

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von Keshel, inthemoonlight, Nylimb, Enkerro, Fisherman, jnmh, smckinley, pyroinpink, seeppp, Chelo, Xalothros, Guillem98, rcg, Rawcoder, Kegelkraker39, BBoris, sujoyku, uhu170, Montikulum, Thibaa, ... jsxft, KillTehBunny, sandbo00, Maomaomao, koiking, kuniwau, PippoForte, Aran-Fey, chpity, Crabbsy Malone, Supertaster, DutchMark, blu191970, tgstar, nezuo, Ramdi, josemadre, sortofrican90, jjtheplum
Komplette Liste


am 24. August 2024, 07:45 Uhr von ParaNox
6:54 here

am 19. August 2024, 21:35 Uhr von permafrostyx
yay 6:26 doubly bonus :DDD

Zuletzt geändert am 8. August 2024, 13:55 Uhr

am 8. August 2024, 13:51 Uhr von frosto
What a lovely puzzle.
I brainfreezed a bit at start, until I noticed the interractions in the central box.
I feel so stupid to not deduced this right away.
Man, I'm old, math classes are so far away... :)
So... 40 minutes

am 7. August 2024, 05:51 Uhr von Egotastic

am 18. Juli 2024, 21:02 Uhr von zimmicks
18:46 - most of that time was spent deducing colour values. After that it was a blaze.

am 10. Juli 2024, 14:36 Uhr von candleshine

am 8. Juli 2024, 06:54 Uhr von psiphiorg
My time was 7:31, solver number 211 on Sudokupad. Quite fun!

am 5. Juli 2024, 12:23 Uhr von Nairurian
11 minutes for me because it took a while to realize that the value of the colours were the same in the whole grid.

am 5. Juli 2024, 06:41 Uhr von Cypher
Great puzzle! Got it in 9:00 mins

am 5. Juli 2024, 03:44 Uhr von abihummel

am 5. Juli 2024, 03:37 Uhr von PuzzleDoubt
11:32 felt quicker than that…

am 4. Juli 2024, 22:22 Uhr von metacom
13:46. No bonus for me this time

am 4. Juli 2024, 18:27 Uhr von TCK Green
7:15 here, quite happy with that result!

am 4. Juli 2024, 17:25 Uhr von misha
Great puzzle! 23 min

am 4. Juli 2024, 13:48 Uhr von WatermeRen
8:49 I tried to rush the ending to get under 8 minutes and missed one of the coloured line sums which ironically slowed me down :(

am 4. Juli 2024, 11:34 Uhr von Rawcoder
Just under 10 minutes.
Thanks for this cool puzzle.

am 4. Juli 2024, 09:49 Uhr von Chelo
fun in 9:35!.. thanks will

am 4. Juli 2024, 09:22 Uhr von seeppp
7:05! Double bonus, yeah!

am 4. Juli 2024, 08:49 Uhr von pyroinpink
Really loved this! Managed to get it in 13 minutes

am 4. Juli 2024, 07:27 Uhr von Fisherman
Fireworks going all around as I work this clever puzzle. Time used: an hour and change. The tortoise almost made the podium.

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:190 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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