Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LMDutch Whispers

(Eingestellt am 26. Juni 2024, 02:23 Uhr von Scojo)

Dedicated to LMDemasi.

  • Normal sudoku rules apply: Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
  • Dutch Whispers: Adjacent digits on an orange line must have a difference of at least 4.
  • X-Sums: A clue adjacent to a row or column represents the sum of the digits in the first X cells in that row or column, where X is the first digit in that row or column.

Solve in SudokuPad

Lösungscode: Row 8

Gelöst von TripleM, cozoq, tiuhto, japanoise_breakfast, jalebc, Enkerro, cathematician, ludvigr04, fuxia, Julianl, Megalobrainiac, LehanLehan, Sudocorgi, seeppp, hige, flaemmchen, rab1226, Nagesh, PinkNickels, ... GorgeousNicko, roscommon, Roberto, cheerfuljanb, timww572, zhangjinyang, Raistlen, chanelaw, Saskia24, Carolin, abadx, mbaaz, SevenSplitRoad, isajo4002, Zeddecks, karlmortenlunna, Saskia11, timn
Komplette Liste


am 9. Juli 2024, 18:18 Uhr von cheerfuljanb
This was a fun puzzle Scojo! While I usually find Dutch Whispers semi-difficult because of the wider range of options, opening with the X-sums really brought it together for me. Nicely done.

am 8. Juli 2024, 07:07 Uhr von cheerfuljanb
This was a fun puzzle Scojo! While I usually find Dutch Whispers semi-difficult because of the wider range of options, opening with the X-sums really brought it together for me. Nicely done.

am 30. Juni 2024, 11:49 Uhr von lmdemasi
Best puzzle ever?

am 26. Juni 2024, 15:07 Uhr von fractalminding
It was my first x-sums sudoku which i solved. The solution is pleasant. It is clear at every step what needs to be done. Thank you!

am 26. Juni 2024, 14:35 Uhr von PinkNickels
Not sure why this is only rated 85%, I really liked it. Thanks for sharing.

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:87 mal
Beobachtet:3 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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