Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Parker Miracle (6x6 Sudoku)

(Eingestellt am 21. Juni 2024, 16:02 Uhr von Blashyrkh)

The Parker Miracle

The puzzle title alludes to the infamous Parker Square of Numberphile fame. Quoting Brady Haran: "The Parker Square is a mascot for people who give it a go but ultimately fall short."

So, this is my Parker Square moment. I tried hard to create an empty grid miracle, but ultimately I was unable to get rid of that pesky little disambiguator.
It does have a nice logical solve path though. You will need to think carefully, but bifurcation is not required!

Anyhow, here are ze Rules:

  • Normal 6x6 sudoku rules apply.
  • Orthogonally adjacent digits must not sum to their box number(s). For example, r2c4 and r3c4 must not sum to 2 or 4.
  • Additionally, diagonally adjacent digits within the same box must not sum to their box number.
  • The inequality sign points to the lower digit.

Play on SudokuPad

Lösungscode: row 1

Gelöst von anonymoose, Snookerfan, SKORP17, lmdemasi, jwsinclair, Gilliatt, nicky1306, Puzzle Weasel, nunc, mozingo, BEHamren, ElenaMonteille, 7CmN2110, dennischen, samuel1997, wand, MrQubo, timotab, miranda_9, ... madhupt, redfoot, TonySnark, QuiltyAsCharged, Uhu, Jdbskx, Leilalu222, smckinley, coolguy14, BerniR, Kallor, michaal94, JohnyK_413, Matt14, PippoForte, perchik, Cialoh, donkawechico, Krisonium
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am 24. Juni 2024, 20:48 Uhr von nunc
Beautiful puzzle. Thanks for setting it.

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:63 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


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