Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 21. Juni 2024, 04:57 Uhr von zetamath)

[This puzzle was created with the friends in my stream. Thanks for your help everyone! You can find a VOD of its creation here ]

This is a pentominous and country road hybrid puzzle. The details of those genres, as well as how the two genres interact, are described below.

Pentominous: Divide the grid into pentominos. Pentominos of the same shape (including rotations and reflections) may not share an edge.

Country Road: Draw a closed loop that moves orthogonally through the centers of some cells. The loop must visit each pentomino exactly once.

Border Rule: If two cells are orthogonally adjacent and neither is visited by the loop, they are part of the same pentomino.

Clues: Clues give the number of cells (1-5) within that cells pentomino that are visited by the loop. Each pentomino includes either 0 or 1 clue. A ? stands for an unspecified clue.

Out of the kindness of my heart, one edge has been provided for you.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

This puzzle is available on Sudokupad and on Penpa.

PS: I stream solving sudoku like puzzles three days a week. You can check out the channel, as well as some videos I have made about setting puzzles, at my YouTube channel here.

Lösungscode: Starting at the top of column 10, write the letter of each pentomino that appears. Only put the letter once, even if more than one cell of that pentomino is in c10. A reference for the name of each pentomino can be found Here.

Gelöst von Bellsita, isajo4002, jkuo7, Christounet, MicroStudy, OGRussHood, nordloc, Jesper, KNT, SeveNateNine, Niverio, Snookerfan, Paletron, SKORP17, Calesch, tuturitu, itweb, Mr_tn, MaizeGator, Jds2, ... karlmortenlunna, abed hawila, AceOfSpades, uvo, dogfarts, nottabird, widjo, harrison, ascension, Chefofdeath, lomonocrat, misko, Nensche777, kevinlimanta, MantaRay, Uhu, beanyboi, smallponder, teff
Komplette Liste


am 18. Juli 2024, 13:03 Uhr von lomonocrat
Wonderful puzzle. It took me a long time because I missed the reflection rule. If anyone is struggling, read the rules carefully!

am 21. Juni 2024, 12:55 Uhr von MicroStudy
peyton manning's favorite puzzle

am 21. Juni 2024, 10:26 Uhr von Christounet
Very nice and fun combination ! Closer to 4* for me. Thanks :)

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:41 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal

Online-Solving-Tool Pentominos

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