Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 13. Juni 2024, 03:44 Uhr von FullDeck-Missing)

Normal sudoku rules: Every row, column, and box must contain a complete set of the digits 1-9.

Cages: Digits in cages cannot repeat and must sum to the value shown in the upper left corner of the cage.

Thermometers: Digits on Thermos are strictly increasing from bulb to tip.

Try the puzzle on the SudokuPad app by Sven Neumann.

You can find a complete list of our puzzles on LMD here. Please also visit us at Missing Deck Puzzles, where we post a new puzzle each day.

Lösungscode: Row 5, left to right, 9 digits no spaces

Gelöst von VestedTitle, jcelia, tiuhto, Nash, ZigZagWonderer, jalebc, Enkerro, Askloomok, Guillem98, strangelyinsane, Hajuhn, grothar, Chelo, teuthida, fuxia, Hierophis69, flaemmchen, KaSnoozy, dingledork, rcg, ... Uhu, diziet, sandmoppe, BlackApolloX, masonreloaded, Jodelbanane, Nonio7, garycblack, DylanRay, naggy, Drawoon, Krisonium, koiking, MoHaMeD05, michielbrinkers, asver, Madoka42, Saskia11, jjtheplum
Komplette Liste


am 22. Juni 2024, 19:04 Uhr von timotab
Fun puzzle! Thank you!

am 13. Juni 2024, 16:59 Uhr von horseradish1
Very nice. The break-in took a few minutes, but the way it unravels right after that felt really satisfying.

am 13. Juni 2024, 15:06 Uhr von samuel1997
Brilliant! Slightly harder than a 1* puzzle imo, but the way to limit down the choices of each cell is excellent!

am 13. Juni 2024, 10:53 Uhr von GeorgeTheToad2
Lovely flowing puzzle.

am 13. Juni 2024, 10:06 Uhr von Draxie
Very enjoyable! Thank you.

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:213 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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