Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Lots & Boxes

(Eingestellt am 5. Juni 2024, 18:21 Uhr von Gene The Supreme)

This puzzle uses the Lots constraints invented by 99% Sneaky, including the new Parity Change Lots in Rodd Stevens and the Modular Lots invented by Heliopolix.

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Inert Lines: All lines in the grid do not have rules of their own.

Odd Lots: A digit in a yellow circle indicates how many odd digits appear along the attached line.

Parity Change Lots: A digit in a pink circle indicates the number of parity changes [i.e. from odd to even or vice versa] between adjacent digits along the attached line.

Modular Lots: A digit in a teal circle belongs to a modular group ([147], [258], or [369]). That digit indicates how many digits from that modular group appear along the attached line.

Solve on SudokuPad

Lösungscode: Row 8

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Juni 2024, 12:40 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, Onyx, SudokuHero, heliopolix , StefanSch, agueybana, peterkp, SeveNateNine, 99%Sneaky, ZornsLemon
Komplette Liste


am 17. Juni 2024, 18:50 Uhr von 99%Sneaky
Awesome! Loved the myriad of ways you found to combine the logic of the different lot types <3

am 6. Juni 2024, 12:40 Uhr von Gene The Supreme
Grammar pass

Gelöst:10 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

Standardrätsel Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

