Tendril Battle
(Published on 4. June 2024, 09:17 by Biscuit)
Normal Sudoku: Fill the grid with the digits 1 to 9 appearing once each in every row, column, and 3x3 box.
Thermometers: Digits on a thermometer increase from bulb to tip.
Little Killers: Values outside the grid give the sum along the indicated diagonal.
Solve this puzzle in SudokuPad
Solution code: Column 7
Solved by Bertfaz, jalebc, Sherpa, ludvigr04, AdamGaffney96, fuxia, flaemmchen, Guillem98, apendleton, NineK, 111chrisi, Hajuhn, efnenu, Mr.CHEN, mihel111, Blummy, Zupami, zrbakhtiar, LachyDachy, LehanLehan, ... jordanza, Bulkystapler, timww572, OGRussHood, Rollo, Vaurien, mcs131313, The Bard, emmi123, Dez256, Drawoon, asver, MoHaMeD05, abadx, PippoForte, nicolacroft1, ErwinR, DutchMark, Saskia11, koiking
on 6. June 2024, 20:42 by ostio456
what a great puzzle, super enjoyable and some great logic. A few areas were tricky and i almost gave up but persevered until i hit the 'voila!' moment.
Last changed on 7. June 2024, 14:45on 6. June 2024, 20:03 by Fra314
Neat! I don't agree with the 1* difficulty rating, but the puzzle is really good with a lot of cool interactions!
Can I recommend it to BremSter? Thanks!
Feel free to pass it along, and thanks for solving, I'm glad you liked it!
on 4. June 2024, 19:56 by Archon
My money's on the guy on the right.:)
Great puzzle!
on 4. June 2024, 17:00 by coreydixon
This was a good workout for the fundamentals of Thermo sudoku. Thanks!