Outside Sandwiches
(Eingestellt am 25. Mai 2024, 12:46 Uhr von RockyRoer)
The Rules:
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- [Sandwich] Numbers outside the grid - many of which need to be deduced are the sum of the digits sandwiched between the 1 and the 9 in that row or column.
- [Outside clues] The digits in the numbers outside of the grid must also be placed in the first three cells from the direction of the clue. For example, in row 3, the 2 and 8 must be placed somewhere in R3C1, R3C2 or R3C3.
- The clues marked odd or even must be odd or even numbers that satisfy both the sandwich constraint and the outside clues constraint. The ? can be any one or two digit number that satisfies both constraints. A clue like 11, 22, or 33 could be possible if a 1, 2, or 3 appears in the first three cells.
The Puzzle:
Try it on Sven's Sudokupad (with solution)
Lösungscode: The value of the ?, followed by row 5 [10 or 11 digits]
Zuletzt geändert am 25. Mai 2024, 14:02 Uhr
Gelöst von sanabas, Piatato, RebelSystem, Jesper, h5663454, alexsmart, bansalsaab, HelloKetene, SKORP17, marcmees, killer_rectangle, Crul, akamchinjir, farodin64, by81996672, argl, Elliott810, Snookerfan, ... redgecko, henrypijames, misko, jerbear29, mercierus, mse326, SparklePuzzle, susadoraku, Nylimb, joelth, GhTheOne, cat, novarielet, juhish, ManuH, OGRussHood, Crusader175, darrenfwl, PippoForte
am 29. Juli 2024, 17:13 Uhr von Crusader175
Brilliant construction!
am 26. Mai 2024, 14:15 Uhr von Perladel
Very pleasant solve!
am 26. Mai 2024, 12:54 Uhr von wilsig
What a brilliant puzzle!!
am 26. Mai 2024, 09:53 Uhr von argl
I always love your sandwich variants thanks for setting
am 25. Mai 2024, 19:32 Uhr von marcmees
Beautiful SW, fun logic. thanks
am 25. Mai 2024, 14:02 Uhr von RockyRoer
oops... mistyped my solution code.
Zuletzt geändert am 25. Mai 2024, 14:02 Uhram 25. Mai 2024, 13:30 Uhr von Piatato
I agree with sanabas on both accounts!
Reply: oops! Should be fixed now.
Zuletzt geändert am 25. Mai 2024, 14:03 Uhram 25. Mai 2024, 13:23 Uhr von sanabas
Interesting solve. I think there's an error in the solution code.
Reply: Oops! Should be fixed now. Thanks for the solve!